Punchcard Overview
Where to Start Knitting?
Which Card is Which?
Sources for Stitch Pattern Designs
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Replay: All About Punchcards

Punchcards can by mysterious .... how do they work? Let's explore the 1 SECRET to punchcards.

This one fact will change how you think about automatic patterning and help you incorporate more stitch patterns in your knitting
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Links mentioned in the Show

Punchcard Classroom : www.knititnow.com/PUNCHCARD

Stitch Multiples
Punchcard Basics
Identify Punchcards

"I've used lace cards on my bulky to select needles, so I can manually hand transfer to create lace" ~Rebecca

NOTE: Lace carriages are only available on standard gauge machines, but the punchcard device on the bulky doesn't know that . Let the punchcard select the needles and transfer them .... brilliant!