Not Enough Needles? - Replay Live Archive

As machine knitters, we are limited to the number of needles on our needlebeds. We can only knit pieces that are limited in size.
Let's explore options for knitting wider pieces without resorting to hand knitting.
Please join us live for our monthly LIVE knit-club meeting.
Let's explore options for knitting wider pieces without resorting to hand knitting.
Please join us live for our monthly LIVE knit-club meeting.
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. . Welcome to the Knit It Now!. . Knit Club for May .. . We're so excited to be here.. . We're going to talk today about something. . that's common for all of us,. no matter what you knit,. . whether you're knitting clothing,. or you're knitting blankets, or anything,. . not having enough needles. on your needle bed.. . It's just a really common thing.. . Many new knitters get really caught up. in this and are surprised when they first. . sit down and try and make a large blanket,. and they realize that they have to do some. . things in order to get larger pieces. of knitting on their knitting machine.. . So we're going to talk about a number. of things, three particular things.. . What's the problem?. . Why does this happen?. . What can you do about it?. . And some suggestions and some. . solutions for working around. our needle bed limitations.. . As always, if you (forgive me).. . As always, if you're new here,. please let me know in the chat.. . I'd love to give you a special shout out.. . We got lots of folks here.. . If you ask me any question or make. . a comment and I've missed it live,. please email me afterwards.. . I'm happy to talk to you.. . I don't mean to ignore anybody,. but sometimes I've got too many things. . going on with this airplane. cockpit in front of me.. . I did remove the Timer.. . We got it.. . Hi, Dawn, from Southwest Ohio.. . And Shane is enjoying Mid in Colorado.. . Well, enjoy Shane on vacation.. . All righty, so let's get started here.. . Not enough needles, we're going. to talk about the problem.. . What is the problem?. . We only have so many. needles on our needle bed.. . How does this impact our knitting?. . I'm going to talk about. tools and the solution.. . Now, I'd like you to just keep in mind. . throughout this whole thing,. it's just math.. . It's the fact that at your gage,. . it's going to take X number. of needles to knit a certain size.. . And that's limited by the number. of needles that you have available.. . Maybe your machine has needles,. maybe it has needles,. . maybe you've borrowed a few from the edges. and you have needles, whatever.. . We do have that limitation.. . So let's talk about how. we can work around that.. . Earlier this week, I talked to a knitter. who was making this shul, this shrug.. . And this shrug is basically. just a long rectangle.. . You can put some ribbing around the cuffs. and just make it a shoulder warmer.. . She went ahead and knit one. . and wrote to me and said,. It's completely the wrong size.. . So I get an email like that,. and the first thing I think of is gage.. . And that's probably what you're. thinking of too, was her gage correct?. . I had her email me images of her. Swatch with rulers.. . Excuse me.. . So if you are ever. . struggling with gage and you need a second. set of eyes to take a look at your gage. . to make sure that you're measuring it and. counting correctly, just send it to me.. . Send me a picture of your Swatch.. . And I don't have one here.. . Yeah, I do.. . Picture of your Swatch with rulers. between the marks, between the marks.. . And I'll go through. and help you out with that.. . So we did that for this knitter.. . Her gage was fine.. . So why did her shrug turn. out to be the wrong size?. . She said it's just too small.. . We determined. that she chose the wrong size pattern.. . So when she looked at her pattern,. which I think is the next slide here,. . she looked at her pattern,. it said select sizing across the top.. . And I think it's large, medium,. . extra large, whatever. the sizes are on that pattern.. . She said, Well, I'm not an extra large.. . I'm not a plus size.. . So she chose large, but she never looked. at the dimensions of the pattern.. . With the Knit It Now patterns,. . you determine what finished size. your garment is going to be.. . So she just randomly chose a size and then. . didn't even look at the section. where it said create a perfect fit.. . So let's go to that pattern. just real quickly.. . If you haven't used one of our patterns,. this is where she went wrong.. . When she went to perfect fit her garment,. . she said large, but she never. looked to see what the sizes were.. . And she just went ahead. and knit the thing.. . Point number one was,. was her gage correct?. . Point number 2 was did she. choose the right size?. . So the funny thing that happened after. all of that,. . she went ahead, rebuilt her pattern,. put in the dimension she wanted.. . She measured from arm to arm,. . from wrist to wrist,. and that's how this shrug thing goes.. . She went from wrist to wrist.. . She put in the dimension that she wanted.. . The shrug also is a length. that just goes over your shoulder.. . So when you put it on, it goes. from about here around down the back.. . And it's just basically. the opening of the garment.. . So she put in the size that she wanted.. . And then she wrote to me and she said,. Your pattern's wrong.. . It's asking me for needles.. . Oh, my gosh, I don't have needles.. . Your pattern's wrong.. . Okay, again, so we needed to talk about. the fact that there's not enough needles.. . It's a math thing.. . It's what we all run into.. . Whether you're making a blanket or a shrug. . or anything, you only have. as many needles as possible.. . You only have so many needles possible.. . It's the width, your desired width of your. . garment times your stitch gage. equals the number of needles knitted.. . It's just math.. . So again, a lot of new knitters. are surprised about that.. . What can you do about it?. . You can use some tools.. . Number one are the knit it now patterns.. . We try and point out to you. how many needles you need.. . Some of the patterns. format looks like this.. . Do you have needles?. . And then there's a little. question mark there.. . You can click on that little question mark. . and it gives you a little bit more of an. explanation, suggestions that you can do.. . Some of our other patterns have a great. . big box warning that says your pattern. requires needles on the bed.. . So use the tools,. use the knit now patterns.. . Now, if you're not using knit it now. . patterns, there's. something else you can do.. . You can use one of our charting tools.. . Let me go there for you.. . We go to patterns,. go to not sizing charts, forgive me,. . Patterns, Charting tools,. and go down here to maximum knitted width.. . It's the little icon. with the three needles.. . And the tool is very simple.. . It asks you, step number one,. how many needles do you have?. . Let's say I only have needles. on my needle bed,. . and my stitch gage is . stitches to 4 inches.. . The largest piece that I can. knit at that gage is inches.. . So if I want to knit a blanket that's . . inches wide, I like my blankets. to be inches wide.. . There's no way I'm going to be able. to knit inches wide on that machine. . with only needles. at stitches to the inch.. . So this little tool is really. helpful for you to plan ahead.. . Okay, my gage is X.. . I have needles.. . This is the largest amount. that I can possibly knit.. . Makes sense?. . Has anybody used this tool before?. . It's called our maximum. knitted width tool.. . And there's a shortcut to it.. . You can look in our tools for the three. . little needles here,. but there's a shortcut, knittitnow.. . Com maximum width.. . It takes you right to that tool.. . Does anybody use that tool?. . Let me know, please.. . Okay.. . So Matt's chiming in here in the chat. . about the shul pattern,. that shrug pattern.. . It is one that's on our list of patterns.. . We're working through the list of all. of our patterns and updating them,. . making lots and lots. of improvements to our patterns.. . You'll see updated, I think it's a purple. color on the patterns that have been done.. . I think I say this every month,. . we're working on them, we're working. on them, we're working on them.. . And this one is one of them.. . So let me know, has anybody used that tool. . to give themselves an idea of how wide. they can possibly knit with their machine?. . Now, another thought is that the tax money. machines now have an extended bed,. . but it's only going. to give you a few inches.. . So if you're going to try and make a . . inch blanket, I don't care if you have. an extended bed, knitting machine,. . you're probably not going to get. a inch blanket in one piece.. . So we need to talk about what you can do. to overcome that needle bed limitation.. . Okay, Sherry said she wants. to try that tool out.. . Maximum knitted width, it's really cool.. . You've got needles on your needle bed.. . Let's say your stitch gage is stitches,. stitches to 4 inches.. . The maximum widest piece,. . if you use all needles, is ,. a little bit over inches wide.. . I will also bring up something. that came up this week.. . I was speaking with a gentleman who does. knitting machine repairs,. . and he was struggling with someone who had. damaged their machine.. . And I'll just share this. with you as a warning.. . The machine was a Brother machine. that has the timing belt across the back.. . If you're familiar with Brother machines,. it's just a device. . that moves with the carriage and reads. the needles for the punch card or. . electronics, actually controls. the needle positioning.. . She was knitting needles wide. . and taking her carriage all the way. to the very edge of her knitting. . and literally taking. that carriage off the edge.. . It kept slipping off the edge.. . So when she wasn't careful when she was. putting that carriage back on the needle. . bed and somehow damaged. that strip in the back, I just call it.. . Anyways, so it's something to consider.. . If you're going to try and get the max. width, consider the fact that it's hard. . to take your carriage all the way. to the very edge of the machine and back.. . You might want to knit a few less rows.. . Just a warning.. . Does anybody else run. into that that it's hard?. . I know on my taxma machine here. that carriage comes off really easily.. . If I try and go all the way to the edge,. that carriage comes off very easily.. . And I have to be really careful about. . getting it seated properly. to get back again.. . Just again, something. just to keep in mind.. . Some of the tools you can use,. . if you don't have enough needles,. is to check your knitting pattern.. . If you're using a machine or a hand knit. . pattern and converting it to machine. knitting, you really need to read. . that pattern through for the number. of stitches that it requires.. . So you may be following along. and from following along a hand knit. . pattern, and at some point it's. telling you to do some increases.. . And then in the little parenthesis after. the instruction to do the increases,. . it might tell you that you. need stitches.. . Don't be surprised,. . read that hand knitting pattern. in advance, or use a knit it now pattern,. . and we try and tell you in advance. that you need X number of needles.. . So what do you do if. you don't have enough?. . What can you do?. You can change three things.. . Number one, because all of this depends. on gage, you could change your gage.. . We'll talk a little bit. more about each of these.. . You can change the size. of what you're knitting.. . For example, instead of knitting my . . inch blanket, maybe I could. knit two inch pieces.. . Or you can knit your garment. in pieces like the blanket.. . You can knit panels.. . In sweaters, you can knit panels.. . We'll talk about how you can incorporate. panels, color blocks, sideways knitting,. . all that stuff in order to work around. the fact that you don't have enough. . needles to make your sweater. as large as you need it to be.. . Mary Ann says the Brother machine has. . extension rails that will keep. the carriage from coming off.. . And that's correct.. . Thank you for reminding me of that.. . The person who damaged her machine didn't. . have extension rails, and I think. that's how she got herself in trouble.. . Dawn used the rails.. . Tina says, Some plastic bed. machines can be joined together.. . For my first project address, her hand. knitter had needles less than needed.. . So the first thing I did was purchase. a second bond to make a better machine.. . And then she started collecting. machines after that.. . Is that typical?. . Typical machine knitter is like,. Oh, this works really great.. . Well, I think I need a different gage.. . Oh, I think I need a different machine.. . Maybe I need a punch guard.. . Typical machine knitter.. . But you're correct, Tina.. . Some of the plastic bed. machines you can put together.. . Metal bed machines,. it's not going to happen.. . You're not going to be able. to join two metal bed machines.. . The titaxims do have the extended bed,. but it's really only a few inches,. . and you've got this gigantic. machine you have to deal with.. . All righty,. so how can you change the gage?. . If one of the solutions here is to change. the gage, how do you change the gage?. . By your choice of stitch pattern.. . We know, for example, that tuck knits. considerably wider than stockinette.. . Sometimes just by knitting a simple tuck. . stitch will give you enough width. to give you the width that you need.. . Lace also knits larger,. wider than stockinette.. . You can also take needles out of work. and do maybe tuck lace or something. . with needles out of work or just. straight needles out of work.. . Take needles out of work,. you can stretch that fabric quite wide.. . One of the things that I've done is a tuck. with the ribber.. . So I've gotten a nice wide blanket. . by knitting a double bed tuck. for nice width.. . Now it's not inches,. but it does make it wider.. . Morris says that's why I have five. . knitting machines, and she's knitting. a shul by hand because it's stitches.. . You're knitting a shul by hand because you. like knitting by hand, that's for sure.. . What's the other thing that you can do?. . Instead of changing your stitch pattern,. you can knit it a looser tension.. . Think about it.. . You crank that tension loose,. you'll also be able to get more width.. . It's just enough, maybe enough to give you. the width that you want that you need.. . And then the third thing. is your yarn choice.. . Consider what you've chosen for your yarn.. . If you're using sock weight yarn on a mid. . gage machine, you're not going to get. very many stitches to the inch, right?. . You're not going to get very much width.. . So maybe you need to knit. with a heavier yarn.. . Just a thought.. . So those three things are things that can. . change your gage since. we're limited by the amount of needles we. . have based on your gage. and the width that you want to knit.. . Change your gage.. . How can you change the size of something?. . I mentioned it before.. . If you're making a blanket,. you could You don't want that .. . You want a inch blanket,. maybe you need it in pieces.. . Or maybe your machine allows. you to get to inches.. . Well, maybe a inch blanket is. just as good as the inch blanket.. . So you might just want to consider. changing the size of what you're knitting.. . You can't really do that with a garment,. but with other home deck things or. . blankets or scarfs or shawls,. you could adjust instead of your shal. . being inches wide, your shal could be. inches wide and it'd be just as warm.. . So consider just changing. the size of your garment itself.. . So another solution for our needle. bed limitation is to knit in panels.. . Here's an example.. . Here's some panel sweaters.. . These are some knit it now patterns.. . One of the first ones there is. a panel down the center front.. . So let's just say that you split your. . garment from the neckline. just straight down.. . You could knit a lace panel in the front. . and stocking it on either side or knit. the whole thing in one stitch pattern.. . It doesn't matter.. You will have seams here.. . So your challenge is going to be to make. . a decorative seam on each side and make. it look like a design element.. . The second choice there on the right is. a vest pattern of ours.. . That pattern has panels under the arms, so. . it took the armhole and split. the garment at the armhole.. . So you have one panel on each side,. so there's four pieces to your sweater. . instead of two, but you can. get a lot more width that way.. . And the third one,. this is a man's sweater.. . The first one was a woman's sweater.. . That's A line that we have.. . But there's also a man's sweater here. that's got panels, center panels.. . Another thought,. . if you're not using a knit it now pattern,. is just to take the pattern that you have.. . Let's say you have a hand netting pattern. that's telling you you need stitches. . across the garment itself, well,. cut that in half and make that and . . and put a seam right down the center front. and the seam right down the center back.. . Now, that may not be appealing to you,. . but you can always, again,. make it a design element.. . Do some fancy something.. . It's fancy join of some sort. to make that a design element.. . Another thing is to use color blocks.. . Again, break your garment up into pieces,. seam down the center front and make just. . the top left yellow and the lower right. yellow and mix and match your colors.. . Do some color blocks.. . Also, you're making smaller pieces so. . that you don't have. that needle bed limitation.. . You're not having to cast. on or needles.. . So panels.. . Let's take a look at panels. here at Knit It Now.. . If we go to patterns,. we're going to find a pattern.. . I'm going to go ahead and choose. . Miss Women's P lus, and I'm going. to scroll down here to panels.. . And we have patterns that have panels.. . Some of them are fitted,. some of them are A line.. . Chili is one of my favorites. because it's an A line.. . It's nice, comfortable.. . It's a cardigan.. . Here's the vest in a cardigan. and a pullover.. . So you have some choices in doing panels.. . Makes sense?. . Tina would like to get more information. about Princess Seam, how to construct,. . and what would be a nice. panel work for a garment.. . Princess seams are a real challenge. . for machine knitters because. princess seams have a curved shape here.. . They're really hard to draft.. . They're very hard to draft for sewers,. . for seamstresses, and they're also. very hard to draft for knitters.. . There's a designer,. . and if anybody knows of her name,. I want to say it's Laura Kinnan.. . Kinnan has a princess garment.. . But the other thought, Tina,. would be to use cut and sew.. . So find a sewing pattern. . with that princess seam that you like,. that you can get to fit.. . They're also a little bit hard to fit.. . Princess seams are, whether you're sewing. . or knitting, they're a little. bit difficult to fit.. . But think of cut and sew. for princess seam.. . Then you don't have all that crazy. shaping on both sides of your piece.. . You've got that curve on one side. and the curve on the other side.. . It's tough knitting.. . So it's something to consider.. . And if anybody knows of a gal who has. . a princess seam machine sewing. pattern, let me know, please.. . Another solution for not enough. needles or sideways knits.. . We have a sideways knit pattern,. and it's a really cool pattern.. . It includes darts.. . It includes go days so that you can knit. . the thing with more of an A line shape. with some short rows there at the hem.. . You can make a cardigan or pull over.. . This is a really cool pattern.. . The only problem with sideways knits is. . you still have your. needle bed limitations.. . You can only make it so long.. . You can't make a sideways knit tunic. . because you're not going. to have enough needles.. . So again, something to keep in mind.. . I talked to a knitter this week and she. . wanted to knit the front of her sweater. sideways in slip, I believe,. . and the rest of her garment the other. way from hem up, which was fine.. . But what she hadn't considered was. . the fact that she needed more length. for the front of her sweater.. . So the only way to take a sideways knit. garment, make it longer is to add a skirt. . of some sort or add a wide,. long hem or something.. . You'd have to add to it because you. still have that needle bed limitation.. . Instead of the needle bed limitation going. . this way, the needle bed. limitation is now this way.. . Priscilla said, use the ribber. and knit open circle concept.. . That's another thought,. Priscilla, absolutely is.. . Panels, sideways knits, color blocks,. or tubular circular knitting.. . Remember that circular knitting is really. . only stocking up unless you hand. manipulate some stitch patterns.. . You only pattern on the main bed.. . So if you're knitting main bed and ribber,. main bed and ribber in a circle or a U. . knitting to get a wide,. you can get a really wide piece.. . You've got needles on your needle bed.. . If you knit circular,. you're knitting over needles.. . So you've got twice the width,. which is great for even for blankets.. . But again, it's only stocking up unless. . you hand manipulate any. stitch pattern in there.. . Tina says, And then there is. the drop with sideways knits.. . Absolutely.. When you think about sideways knits,. . you've always got drop. with your switches, right?. . So your knitting is going. to stretch this way.. . But knitting stretches even more this way.. . So one of the things I reminded the gal. who wanted to do the slip stitch front was. . she needs to really be careful of her gage. and this drop or the front of her sweater. . is going to hang a whole lot longer. than the rest of her sweater.. . All righty, so this has been a really. popular topic over the years,. . and we do have more information about. this topic in a classroom and a course.. . Both of them are called, I believe. they're both called Not Enough Needles.. . I can go there and show. you where they are.. . If we go to courses, go to full. . course list, and Not Enough Needles.. . So the course has got lessons and eight. . videos, and it's got all. sorts of good information.. . Pretty much what we talked about here,. but in much more detail.. . If you go to Learn, Classrooms,. . and also Not Enough, I think. it's also called not enough.. . Got real creative with. these names, didn't I?. . And there are a bunch of tips.. . There's a replay on this subject.. . Maybe I said something a little. bit different in the replay.. . I don't know.. . And there's some panels here,. patterns here, list to the patterns.. . So lots of good information. at Knit It Now about not enough needles.. . This topic has come up many,. many times over the years.. . I mentioned blankets.. . I believe there's a blankets classroom. also that can give you more ideas about. . panels for your blankets,. different ways of knitting your blankets.. . And I think I did a live. on that subject as well.. . So I'll put it in the show notes.. . If you come back to knititnow.. . Com live, where you are right now,. there'll be show notes at the bottom. . of the page and at the right hand side,. I guess, depending on what you're using.. . And there'll be some show notes in there.. . And I'll put some links to some blanket. suggestions as well as both of these. . courses and the previous replay,. the previous live we did on this topic.. . Anne says, The rails need to be. on a brother when using needles.. . And I agree, I think most of us think. . about putting the rails on when. you're using the Lace carriage.. . But if you're knitting really wide pieces,. you definitely need the rails.. . Anne says you can make a cardigan,. . the back piece in stockinette in tubular,. the front with pattern.. . Absolutely.. Great idea, Anne.. . Great idea.. And that would fit in with what I think it. . was Cheryl who wanted to do a slip stitch. front and plain the rest of the body.. . So she could then,. . if she needed more width,. she could do the rest of the body tubular. . or U knitting and do the. cardigan fronts in pattern.. . All righty, so our two courses.. . So that's what I have today. about not enough needles.. . If it's something that you are. interested in, please let me know.. . I've had knitters ask me to help them work. through making a sweater for themselves.. . They're plus size.. What do I do?. . Where do I start?. . What are the things I need to think of?. . If you're interested,. we can put together a little workshop so. . that you could create your perfect. plus size pattern.. . Make all the decisions.. . What sleeve do you want?. . What shoulder do you want?. . What neckline do you want?. . How are you going to knit it?. . Are you going to knit it in pieces?. . Are you going to knit it in panels?. . Are you going to knit it tubular?. . Some of those thoughts let me help you. . walk through all the choices so that when. you're done, we can have a pattern. . that you can knit and you. can show us your success.. . I always love to see people's successes.. . So please email me,. let me know topic of plus. . size knitting workshop,. and I can put something together.. . So let me know if there's interest.. . Other than that, I don't. know what else is coming up.. . Matt and I are working on patterns.. . I've got some design. in it stuff coming up.. . We've got another design. in it workshop coming up.. . So please stay tuned.. . Watch your inbox.. . We've got some fun things coming.. . Thank you, Diane.. . Leesanne says, When knitting across. . the whole bed, needles,. did you just use weights at the edges?. . I would use weights across,. even weights across.. . Just think about why you're knitting with. weights, especially at the beginning.. . Why are you knitting with weight?. . Why are you adding. weights to your knitting?. . You want those needle.... . You don't want the needles to pop off. . the needle bed and you want. them to knit correctly.. . It's like when you're hand knitting. and you're using your fingers to hold. . the stitches in place as you. insert the second needle.. . Same thing here.. . If those stitches.... . I need to come up with a better.... . Something other than waving my fingers. here, so I will work on this.. . Think about the fact that you. have a loop over the needle.. . You've got a loop of yarn over the needle. . and that needle goes. in and out and in and out.. . If that loop is way up here. and that needle goes in and out,. . in and out, it's not going. to form the stitch properly.. . If that loop is closer to the needle. and the needle goes in and out. . and in and out, the stitch. is going to form properly.. . So you need weight for that.. . Once the knitting gets a longer,. . pretty much in the middle, it's going. to have enough weight of its own.. . But especially in the beginning,. I would put weights evenly across. . the knitting, especially depending. on what stitch pattern you're using.. . All righty, so I think we're going. to tie this up till next month.. . Hey, June.. Oh, my gosh, June already.. . Thank you for joining me.. . If there's ever anything you need,. please let me know.. . Join me in the community.. . It's knittednow.. . Com community, I think it is.. . Our heartbeat community, that's it.. . And in the community,. you can talk to other knitters and connect. . with other knitters and ask questions. and make comments and share your wins.. . So appreciate it.. . Thank you so much for being here.. . Until next time, happy knitting, everyone.. Bye bye..

Links mentioned in the Meeting
Max Knitted Width Tool Not Enough Needles
Classroom: Not Enough Needles
Previous Knit Club Replay
From the Glossary
Half-Circular | U-Knitting
Tubular Knitting
Joy G Thanks Sue and Matt ðð |
Marie-Jo C Thank you for this nice meeting, Matt and Sue.. |
Matthew F Maurie... thank you for the renew. Everyone... thank you for your support!! |
Sue J Thank you everyone for joining me ... Happy Knitting! |
Sue J Thank you Maurie! |
Karin R Thank you! |
Maurie H Thanks for today, and I just renewed for an other year. |
Anna H Thanks! |
Doris H Thanks Sue! |
Cherie S Thank you for another informative session! |
Tina B Have a nice day, Thanks |
Barb B Hi from Barb in Edmonton, Alberta |
Diane B Thank you! Great class Diane |
Lisanne B When knitting acvross the whole bed (200 needles) do you just use weights at the edges ? |
Anne from England The rails need to be on a brother when using 200 needles |
Anna H make a cardigan, back piece in stockinette in tubular. front with patterning |
Tina B And there is the drop with sideways knits... |
Priscilla Dobson Use ribber and knit open circle concept. |
Tina B I would like to get more information over the princess seam, how to construct, that would be a nice panelwork for garment |
Maurie H That is why I have five, but am knitting my shawl by hand, for it is 300 stitches. |
Mary Ann B I run a home for wayward knitting machines according to my friends. |
Karin R knitting machines are herd creatures, aren´t they? |
Ruth S They follow us home with all their friends. |
Marie-Jo C had..; |
Marie-Jo C I've never have the opportunity but it may be very useful |
Dawn W I have used all needles, but used the rails. |
Mary Ann B The brother machine has extension rails that will keep the carriage from coming off. |
Tina B Some plastic bed machines can be joined together. My first project, a dress for handknitter had 20 nedles less than needed, so the first thing i did, was purchasing a second Bond to make a bigger machine (plastic), that was before i knew anything about a metalbed machine. :joy: so i started collecting machines already with my first project. |
Rosan M aren't there extension rails? |
Cherie S No, but I'm going to try it out, now that I know how it works! |
Kathleen G Kathy G from UP of Michigan |
Matthew F LOL that pattern is on the update to the new format list. We will make it better! |
Karin R Hi from Germany! |
Priscilla Dobson Priscilla from Vancouver, WA |
Dawn W Hello from SW Ohio. |
Matthew F remove the timer |
Marie-Jo C Bonjour à vous, Maurie! |
Shane D In the mid 60's |
Maurie H Bonjour Marie-Jo |
Shane D Shane vacationing in Colorado |
Marie-Jo C Hello ! Ready for the meeting! Marie-Jo from france |
Cherie S Cherie from BC on the Pacific side. |
Sandra C Hi Everyone from Maine. |
Jacqueline O Hi from sunny Switzerland |
Marjorie M Hi! Marjorie from Michigan. |
Maurie H Will be in Berlin in October |
Pat Y HI, from Pat in Nova Scotia Canada |
Doris H Hi Doris from Ireland |
Tina B Hei, Tina from Germany today :-) |
Joy G Joy from France ðð |
Matthew F throw me under the bus |
Maurie H I am here Mississauga Canada |
Matthew F I can hear you sue... looks good! |
Jenny M B Glad I got a pop-up reminder just before I got in the bath after a hard day's gardening! |
Joy G Thanks Sue |
Matthew F We are live everyone... |
Sue J just hit the "go" button - |
Joy G 10 mins |
Joy G Is that in about 19 muns |
Sue J We'll be starting at 10am pacific |