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Circle Calculator Tool

Calculate knitted circles for your machine. Use ANY yarn, ANY machine, ANY gauge, ANY size!
6 or 8 wedges
blankets to see full description
Gauge Conversion Tool

You've found a pattern that you love. Maybe the yarn is obsolete or it's not in your budget, or you want to use something from your stash.
Here's to see full description
Tool: Magic Formula (Inches)

Easily shape your knitting with the Magic Formula and no math!
Often used to shorten or lengthen sleeves or add waist shaping, this tool is invaluable when to see full description
Tool: Magic Formula (stitches)

Easily shape your knitting with the Magic Formula and no math!
Often used to shorten or lengthen sleeves or add waist shaping, this tool is invaluable and to see full description
Build and Use a Knit it Now Pattern

Knit it Now Interactive Patterns allow you to create custom patterns based on your gauge AND make adjustments to the measurements without any math.They to see full description
For Success: Plan Ahead

One thing that will guarantee success with your knitting. READ!
Ravel Cord Tips

Cut your ravel cord? Heaven forbid! Let's talk about alternative ravel cord materials and uses for a machine knitters best friend ... ravel cord.
Where's my Pattern?

Waiting for the delivery of a pattern in your email? With our Dynamic Patterns, you build a custom pattern based on YOUR gauge. The patterns live in your to see full description
Keep on Track when Ripping

It's inevitable, making mistakes and ripping. Ever have trouble keeping track of how many rows you knit? Try this tip.
LK-150 and DAK

Do you have DesignaKnit (or considering it)? You CAN put it to use with your LK-150 machine (or Brother KX350 or any non-patterning/non-electronic to see full description
Unbox an LK-150

Whoo Hoo! You have a new-to-you LK-150 knitting machine! This popular machine offers so many possibilities for both new and experienced machine knitters. to see full description
Extend the LK-150

Use the carriage rests when knitting wide pieces.
Extend an LK150

How to break apart an LK150 to create a W-I-D-E (200 - 250 needle) machine. Combine 2 machines by removing 1 or 2 sections and adding them to a 2nd machine.
Connect DAK and Brother 970

Connect the Brother 970 CB1 box to DesignaKnit using the Brother Link USB cable
Brother 970 Row Counter

If you don't have a mechanical row counter for your Brother 970, you can use the CB-1 box as your row counter, even if you aren't doing any patterning to see full description
What is Knit it Now?

What is Knit It Now? It’s so much more than patterns or tutorials—it’s a complete resource for machine knitters! In this video, I’ll walk you through everything to see full description
Knit it Now Member Forum

Control the number of email you receive from our Member forum
"Knit" at Knit it Now

The heart and soul of the website is the "KNIT" section. It not only contains all of our Dynamic patterns, it holds a wealth of resources for your knitting.
Building Knit it Now Custom Patterns

Knit it Now patterns are different than patterns you've used before. Instead of forcing you to use a specific machine, yarn and stitch pattern, you can build to see full description
Interactive Patterns

Follow your pattern on your tablet for easier knitting.
Knit it Now Tools

You may not want to draft your own knitting patterns, but sometimes you need to modify a pattern for fit.
Knit it Now tools takes the tedious math out of to see full description
Change your Email and Password

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Knit it Now Learning Library

Explore the Knit it Now Learning Library. Navigate the over 500 tutorials and find what you need when you need it.
Machine Knitting Courses

Learn to machine knit the most efficient on-line way possible. Interactive learning courses include videos, practice exercises, question and answer tutorials to see full description
Vintage Yarn Index

Do you have a pattern using an old yarn? Find a replacement suggestion.
Learn more about yarn in your stash.
The Vintage Yarn index is a searchable to see full description
What is a Machine Knit-Able

Inspiration from the hand Knitting World.
Explore the Machine to see full description
Your Personal Library

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Using the Pet Vest Pattern

This custom pattern allows you to create a vest for your pet. Enter the dimensions and your gauge and you'll have a custom pattern. Use any yarn, stitch to see full description
Using the Pattern | Susanna's Blanket

Walk through with us as we prepare to knit Susanna's blanket. Estimate yarn and use the interactive knitting pattern format. to see full description
Color Block Poncho Construction

Knit 5 striped pieces, join them as you knit, 2 seams and you'll have this unusual graphic design poncho.
Bonnie's One Piece Cocoon Pattern

Here's an interesting, comfortable and fashionable shape that is perfect for knitting on the machine. With a bit of shaping, pleats and strategic folds, to see full description
Next-Level Sweaters: Master Fit, Style & Finishing

Ready to level up your machine-knit sweaters? In this video, we’ll dive into advanced techniques to help you perfect the fit, add custom details, and achieve a to see full description
Watch this First

Before you knit a sweater on your knitting machine, make sure you’re set up for success! This series walks you through the essential planning, skills, and to see full description
Plan It Right: The Key to Machine Knitting a Perfect Sweater

Knitting a sweater on a machine isn’t just about casting on—it’s about planning for success! In this video, learn how to choose the right sweater style, pick to see full description
Machine-Knit Sweaters: Myths & Mistakes You Must Know

Are you making these common sweater-knitting mistakes? Thinking the machine does all the work, skipping your swatch, or using the wrong yarn can lead to to see full description
Why the LK150 is so popular

The LK150 is easy to learn and use and is currently a very popular knitting machine. Join me to discover why.
What MK patterns do you use?

What machine knitting patterns do you use? Even though we don't have many publications dedicated to machine knitting these days, we do have options.
Hand to see full description
Introduction to Machine Knitting

Home knitting machines allow the knitter to produce beautiful knitted items - FAST! Instead of forming one stitch at a time, imagine knitting 200 stitches with to see full description
Knit a Gauge Swatch in Less than 10 Minutes

Imagine knitting a gauge swatch in a few minutes!
You can easily try out a new stitch pattern or quickly match a pattern gauge.Watch as we knit to see full description
Learn to Machine Knit

How do you learn to Machine Knit? This tutorial covers the many resources available.
Many beginning machine knitters get overwhelmed with all the to see full description
Yarns for Machine Knitting

You don't need special coned yarn to knit with a knitting machine. Many knitters use yarn on cones so they don't have to work in as many yarn ends as you do to see full description
Accurate Gauge Measurement

Measuring your swatch to find the correct gauge is the most important step in making sure your garment will fit.This tutorial covers 2 different to see full description
Yarn Counts - What do Those Numbers Mean?

When working with coned yarn, many knitters are confused by the numbering system.
Yarn on cones is often referred to by the yarn count (3/8, 10/2 etc). to see full description
Needle Pitch - Why does it matter?

Machine Needle Pitch refers to the distance between the needles on the needle bed. Explore the different needle pitches and why they are critical to successful to see full description
Manual Wrap for Short Row Shaping

Manual Wrap for Short Row Shaping (no sound)
Quick Knot Fix

Knot in your yarn? Don't knit it in! Position it at the edge and neatly secure the tails.
How to Knit a Proper Swatch: The Secret to Machine Knitting Success

Learn how to knit a proper swatch—the key to successful machine knitting! This detailed tutorial walks you through every step, from casting on to placing stitch to see full description
E-Wrap Cast On

A quick and easy basic cast on. A need-to-know for every machine knitter.
Super Fast Closed Cast On

Used on any machine, this is the easiest of all closed cast on methods. Plus it provides instant gathers!
Ribber Cast On Comb for Single Bed Knitting

For many stitch patterns, like lace and tuck, having even weight on your work is important. If you combine single bed and double bed stitches in a single to see full description
Cast on for Points

When instructed to cast on 2-4 stitches, using a cast on rag really comes in handy. Discover this trick for an easier cast on over a few needles.
Ugly Cast On?

A new knitter wrote that she was doing something wrong when casting on. Turns out that the technique she used was just plain "ugly" for the edge of her to see full description
Rip and Rehang

Need to rip down a few rows? Explore 4 tools to help repair a mistake, pick up stitches and save your knitting.
Pick up a Dropped Stitch

If a stitch drops, don't panic! Use a single transfer tool to neatly pickup the stitch and re-hang it on the machine.
Lifelines: Best Advice EVER!

Prepare for those inevitable mistakes. The best MK advice I've been given.Learn more about lifelines and fixing mistakes in the Classroom: to see full description
Replace a Needle Position Tape (Number Strip)

.my_left {
border-left: 6px solid #ccc!important;
Also known as a needle to see full description
Ladders: 5 Uses

Ladders: Put needles out of work to use for your knitting. to see full description
Yarn for Knitting Machines

You don't need "special" yarn for machine knitting. Here are the facts.
Finishing the Ruffled Heart Pillow

With the front and back of your pillow knitted, join them together with crochet. Included are tips for finishing and examples of how we made our sample.
Kitchener Stitch on the Machine - Purl Side

Neatly joining pieces by grafting (or Kitchener stitch) is essential for all knitters. Doing it on the machine utilizes the needles to help make the perfect to see full description
Sew As You Go

There are times when sewing knitted pieces by hand just isn’t practical.
Here’s a quick and easy method that can be used for blankets, kids wear or any to see full description
I-Cord Trims

Attaching I-cord to the edge of a knitted piece adds a nice finishing touch.
There are unlimited variations to this technique here are 3 for you to try. to see full description
Taming the Curl

When knitting in stockinette, both hand and machine, a knitter needs to deal with the rolling edges. It’s the nature of the knitted stitches to curl. to see full description
Machine Knit Blankets

Want to knit a blanket on your machine but don’t know where to start? In this video, I’ll teach you how to plan your blanket from scratch—no guesswork, no to see full description
The Secret to Getting Good Fit

Don't EXPECT any knitting pattern to fit you without alterations. Learn to make changes to customize patterns for your success.
The video refers to our to see full description
Shawl Collars

The classic style of a shawl collar for cardigans is not hard to incorporate in your designs. Explore some examples and tips.
Copy a Ready To Wear Sweater

Follow along as we examine a ready-to-wear sweater design. Based on 3 criteria, we'll examine the possibility of knitting it on the knitting machine.
Waterfall Vest Adjust Length

The Simply Rectangles Waterfall Vest construction is unusual. Modifying the length of this garment can be tricky. Follow the logic and use the included to see full description
Garment Designer-Get Knitting in less than 5 Minutes!

Need a fast knitting pattern? Get started quickly with Garment Designer in a few simple steps.
This software can be purchased from Cochenille Design to see full description
Tuck Lace: KIN56

Take a deep dive into knitting this beautiful, open tuck lace stitch pattern. It covers manual and automatic patterning machines, plus Brother and to see full description
Faux Ribbing

Mimicking 2x1 ribbing, using tuck, Faux ribbing can be worked on any machine. It is not stretchy and the "ribbing" is on the Knit side only.The purl to see full description
Cheat Sheets for Hand Manipulation

With non-patterning machines and any time you want to work a hand manipulated stitch pattern, there's usually a lot of counting of needles involved. Here are to see full description
Conversion of a black and white diagram to a stitch pattern

This is the beginnings of learning how to convert graphics by starting with black and white line drawings and converting them into a stitch pattern. We will to see full description
Conversion of a Multicolored Picture

This video will cover conversion techniques for block colored patterns, much like filling in a coloring page with blocks of color. Again the importance of to see full description
Conversion of a full color photo into a sweater front stitch design

It is fun to create a full color design on a child's sweater front. He we take two cute puppies in a basket and convert them to a design. We how to determine to see full description
Get up and running fast in Original Pattern Drafting Part 1

DesignaKnit Original Pattern Drafting is so incredibly full featured that is can be overwhelming to the new user. Here we take the use of various different to see full description
Converting a garment for sideways knitting

This is one of the simplest and most basic start of manipulation of individual garment pieces within the garment shape to start learning how to use the Original to see full description
Create a new garment shape from a schematic drawing

Everyone should have a garment shaping file for a six month old infant to be prepared for celebrations of new life between family and friends. This exercise to see full description
DAK Thumbnail Browser

Thumbnails are now also used for shape files and palette files in addition to stitch patterns and standard graphic files. Shape files can be searched by the to see full description
Using the Grading feature to create a series of garment shapes

This option allows you to easily create intermediate garment shaping files in a series of sizes. In this example, we will use a pants pattern in Small and to see full description
Using Exact Stitch Layout for complete control of your pattern edges

On any garment piece, by zooming in along the edge of the garment piece and selecting exact stitch layout using View / Stitch Handles will then show light to see full description
Layout your stitch patterns fast directly in Original Pattern Drafting

Now, you have the ability to lay out your stitch patterns directly on your garment pieces in Original Pattern Drafting. Lay out different patterns on each to see full description
DAK - Get Knitting in less than 5 Minutes

When you want to get knitting, you want to spend your time at the machine, not the computer!
If you’ve knitted your swatch and know your gauge, use to see full description
Create Your First Garment

This video is appropriate for the new user to DesignaKnit to rapidly create a sweater ready to knit. It also is a great refresher course for those who haven't to see full description
Create your Second Garment

Now that you have created your first garment, it is easy to create a second garment using a few simple changes. We will cover changing tensions, reading to see full description
Create a Short Sleeve Summer Top

We can use the Measurements Table to 'trick' DesignaKnit 8 into creating a short sleeve top. Here in this tutorial, we will make a short sleeved ladies cardigan to see full description
Create a Winter Coat

We already played tricks on DesignaKnit, fooling it into making a cute short sleeved top with crocheted edges. Here in this tutorial, will make a winter to see full description
Using the Custom Measurement Database

When you choose Custom sizing instead of the built in DesignaKnit 8 Standard Size Measurement database, a new Custom Sizing database opens up for you to select to see full description
Stitch Designer - Just the basics - get up and running fast

Here we will create a small diamond Fairisle pattern for a handknit seater for a six month old baby. We will be using the pencil and drawing on multiple repeats to see full description
Learning about how to use the icons - Part 1

DesignaKnit 8 has a multitude of icon tools to help you create that perfect design. We will be walking you through how each icon works, the options that they to see full description
Learning about how to use the icons - Part 2

DesignaKnit 8 has a multitude of icon tools to help you create that perfect design. We will be walking you through how each icon works, the options that they to see full description
Stitch Designer Palettes - Yarn Color Palette

Here we will look at the different palettes available to us for designing in colors, stitches and crossed cables. All of these techniques are suitable for both to see full description
Stitch Designer Palettes - Cables Organizer

Here we will look at the different palettes available to us for designing in colors, stitches and crossed cables. All of these techniques are suitable for both to see full description
Designing a four color jacquard blanket

This tutorial discusses the layout for a baby blanket, the use of a graphic pattern from the DesignaKnit Graphics Studio conversion, the use of Palette Replace to see full description
Designing a cable knit sweater

This tutorial covers how to correctly place cables down on to your stitch design as a design element. They can be simple 1 x 1 cable crosses or very complicated to see full description
DAK Opening Stitch Pattern Files

A basic review of how to use DAK stitch pattern files provided by Knit it Now in patterns and the Stitch Library.
DAK: Missing Symbols

If your stitch symbols aren't being displayed, here's a quick fix.
Updating your DesignaKnit 8 to the newest release automatically

Now in this version of DesignaKnit, using the program we can update the program to its newest release easily.
We will go through the actual steps involved to see full description
Compare Shaping Methods Part 1

There are many methods for creating shaped knitted pieces.
To reduce the number of stitches in work (an armhole, for example) knitters use binding off, to see full description
Short Row Refresher

Short Row Shaping (Partial Knitting) is used in so many ways in machine knitting. If you aren't familiar with this technique, here's a quick to see full description
Spikey Scarf from Knit-1

Here's a fun, textured scarf that is sure to impress! Watch as we detail the partial knitting (short rows) that form the pyramids.Not only is this a fun to see full description
Short Row Shaping on the Knitting Machine

Learn how to use short row shaping (also known as partial knitting) on your knitting machine. This essential technique allows you to add curves and contours to to see full description
Replacing a Sponge Bar

The Needle Retaining Bar (also known as a Sponge Bar or Sponge Presser Bar) on a knitting machine holds the needles in place. Most metal bed machines have a to see full description
"Knit" at Knit it Now
Accurate Gauge Measurement
Bonnie's One Piece Cocoon Pattern
Brother 970 Row Counter
Build and Use a Knit it Now Pattern
Building Knit it Now Custom Patterns
Cast on for Points
Change your Email and Password
Cheat Sheets for Hand Manipulation
Circle Calculator Tool
Color Block Poncho Construction
Compare Shaping Methods Part 1
Connect DAK and Brother 970
Conversion of a Multicolored Picture
Conversion of a black and white diagram to a stitch pattern
Conversion of a full color photo into a sweater front stitch design
Converting a garment for sideways knitting
Copy a Ready To Wear Sweater
Create Your First Garment
Create a Short Sleeve Summer Top
Create a Winter Coat
Create a new garment shape from a schematic drawing
Create your Second Garment
DAK - Get Knitting in less than 5 Minutes
DAK Opening Stitch Pattern Files
DAK Thumbnail Browser
DAK: Missing Symbols
Designing a cable knit sweater
Designing a four color jacquard blanket
E-Wrap Cast On
Extend an LK150
Extend the LK-150
Faux Ribbing
Finishing the Ruffled Heart Pillow
For Success: Plan Ahead
Garment Designer-Get Knitting in less than 5 Minutes!
Gauge Conversion Tool
Get up and running fast in Original Pattern Drafting Part 1
How to Knit a Proper Swatch: The Secret to Machine Knitting Success
I-Cord Trims
Interactive Patterns
Introduction to Machine Knitting
Keep on Track when Ripping
Kitchener Stitch on the Machine - Purl Side
Knit a Gauge Swatch in Less than 10 Minutes
Knit it Now Learning Library
Knit it Now Member Forum
Knit it Now Tools
LK-150 and DAK
Ladders: 5 Uses
Layout your stitch patterns fast directly in Original Pattern Drafting
Learn to Machine Knit
Learning about how to use the icons - Part 1
Learning about how to use the icons - Part 2
Lifelines: Best Advice EVER!
Machine Knit Blankets
Machine Knitting Courses
Machine-Knit Sweaters: Myths & Mistakes You Must Know
Manual Wrap for Short Row Shaping
Needle Pitch - Why does it matter?
Next-Level Sweaters: Master Fit, Style & Finishing
Pick up a Dropped Stitch
Plan It Right: The Key to Machine Knitting a Perfect Sweater
Quick Knot Fix
Ravel Cord Tips
Replace a Needle Position Tape (Number Strip)
Replacing a Sponge Bar
Ribber Cast On Comb for Single Bed Knitting
Rip and Rehang
Sew As You Go
Shawl Collars
Short Row Refresher
Short Row Shaping on the Knitting Machine
Spikey Scarf from Knit-1
Stitch Designer - Just the basics - get up and running fast
Stitch Designer Palettes - Cables Organizer
Stitch Designer Palettes - Yarn Color Palette
Super Fast Closed Cast On
Taming the Curl
The Secret to Getting Good Fit
Tool: Magic Formula (Inches)
Tool: Magic Formula (stitches)
Tuck Lace: KIN56
Ugly Cast On?
Unbox an LK-150
Updating your DesignaKnit 8 to the newest release automatically
Using Exact Stitch Layout for complete control of your pattern edges
Using the Custom Measurement Database
Using the Grading feature to create a series of garment shapes
Using the Pattern | Susanna's Blanket
Using the Pet Vest Pattern
Vintage Yarn Index
Watch this First
Waterfall Vest Adjust Length
What MK patterns do you use?
What is Knit it Now?
What is a Machine Knit-Able
Where's my Pattern?
Why the LK150 is so popular
Yarn Counts - What do Those Numbers Mean?
Yarn for Knitting Machines
Yarns for Machine Knitting
Your Personal Library