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[TIP] Knit a Get-Acquainted Swatch

February 2020

Get-Acquainted Swatch
A must when using new yarn
You have a new-to-you yarn that you'd like to knit ... where do you start?

The ball band may give you some information about the suggested needles to use for hand knitting and what stitches you might get, but as machine knitters, this doesn't tell us anything. This doesn't tell us what tension to turn on the tension dial of your machine.

This exercise will help you create sweaters that you love.
  MK Glossary Update
Machine Knitting Glossary

If you’ve used any vintage hand knitting patterns or books you’ll find them littered with abbreviations: BB, COL, COBH, DBJ, FNR
These days, we aren’t limited to typewritten pages. Patterns and publications can be more clear.

But if you are new to machine knitting some of the terminologies can be confusing. BACK BED, CARRIAGE ON THE LEFT, CAST ON BY HAND, DOUBLE BED JACQUARD, FULL NEEDLE RIB

Knit it Now to the rescue! Our Machine Knitters Glossary has been expanded and continues to grow.

We just re-formatted the glossary to make it even easier to find terms. (coming soon ... video links)