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New classroom: Diagonals | Magic Formula

March 2020

New classroom

Even if you NEVER intend to chart your own knitting patterns, it is important to understand the basics. The Magic Formula is one of those basics that every knitter should at least be familiar with
In charting knitting patterns, we use this equation for numerous applications.

  • Straight-line decreasing and increasing of side seams on skirts, sleeves, slacks, and jackets
  • Multiple increasing or decreasing across a single row of knitting.
  • Placing darts and buttonholes
  • Arranging short row increments for curves
  • Determining the stitches in knitting a slanted line
  • One can determine rows and/or stitches to be increased or decreased WITHIN a definite amount of space.
  • Buttonhole placement, vertical or horizontal, can be situated in exactly balanced spots
  • Short row operations can be determined for shoulder slants, pockets, collars, and all kinds of sideways knitting.