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2 [TIP] Thursday

New Knitable, Waistband and Knitting Sideways

September 2020

  Machine Knit-Able
Wallapa Bay Skirt

Willapa Bay is bohemian style, high-low skirt perfect for summer days and walks on the beach. With four colors and four lace stitch patterns that blend perfectly into each other, this skirt is full of texture and endless color combinations!

Use one of the Knit it Now skirt patterns use ANY yarn, ANY machine and ANY stitch pattern to make it your own!
Easy, less-bulk waistband
Elasticized waistbands for skirts and slacks can be easy to knit. This tutorial covers variations on a reverse hung hem that will add the perfect (and easy) finish to any style skirt or slacks.

Also discussed are top down techniques to make things go even faster!

Knitted skirts are so flattering, feminine and comfortable to wear.

Plain or fancy, with our knitting machines we can make quick work of skirts.