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Quick: Set your machine to Slip

Week 3 Challenge

March 2021


Set your machine to Slip

For amazingly textured stitch patterns, use the purl side as the "right" (public) side of your knitting and add some strategically placed slip stitches.

A little or a lot of slip can add just the right texture to your project.
Your Challenge
Try a new-to-you slip stitch pattern on your machine.

If you have a  non-patterning machine, you can hand-select the needles. Remember it's the needles in "B" (or working position) that slip.
Master Automatic Stitch Patterning

I've you've been stumped by knitting in pattern on your machine, this course will take away the fear and confusion.

Using fill-in-the-blanks tutorials, we'll walk you through all the settings for YOUR machine, creating a cheat-sheet that you can use again and again.

Once you finish the exercises you will have an UNDERSTANDING of what is going on with all the levers and buttons and you will be confident to sit down and work the stitch pattern of your choice.