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A confession about SAYG

A lightbulb moment

May 2021


I have to confess ...
I've never been a fan of sew-as-you-go (SAYG)
I've never understood why some knitters will do ANYTHING to keep from sewing up seams. BUT ......

I was browsing through a vintage pattern book and stumbled on this technique.  Instead of joining the edge stitches, hang the edge of the piece to join 3 needles in from the knitting in work. Watch the video

This creates a decorative,"felled" seam (picture a blue jeans seam)

If you aren't familiar with SAYG, visit the videos in our Seaming Classroom
In time for fall knitting

Brand-new Taitexma Mid-Gauge machine

  • Metal Bed
  • Ribber
  • Built-in Intarsia
If you are an LK-150 knitter, this machine is the perfect step up to grow your knitting skills.  Use similar yarns to what you've been using on a sturdy, metal bed  machine AND add a ribber!