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New Machine Knit-Able and Tip of the Week

Kicks Socks to show off self-striping yarns

October 2022

  Machine Knit-Able
Kicks Socks

Inspiration to show self-striping yarns to their fullest advantage! Colorful with plenty of punky attitude, you'll soon have a new pair of stripy socks to get your kicks right through the night.
Swan Sock Gussets
The shaped heel makes the Swan Socks fit and look great!

Similar to a  hand knitting-style heel, this is unusual construction for machine knit socks.
Ultimate Sock Book

Learn to knit the best-ever machine knit sock.

Includes 4 gauges, a wide range of sizes plus DIY instructions for charting your own socks.

Also included is a Passap Duo 80 tubular version and a Japanese machine double bed version.

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