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[TIP] & Machine Knit-Able

Super-fast holiday knitting

knit it now learn machine knitting Machine Knit-Able machine knitting tutorials Tip of the Week turning row

December 2022

  Machine Knit-Able
Gift Card Holder
Make a gift card extra special with a personalized, knitted gift card holder. The card will be appreciated and the holder is re-usable.

Holiday Stitch Libraries 1-2-3

Check our our collection of fun, cut-as-can-be stitch  motifs for your holiday knitting.

Designaknit files and clear full-size punchcard diagrams so you can easily incorporate these motifs.

Free for Members

Garter Stitch RTR
RTR (Remove, Turn, Rehang) is a technique that reverses the knit and purl stitches on the machine. It can be used to create turning rows, or decorative garter rows. In this tutorial we'll use a hand knitting needle to RTR. Just right for a quick turn for your knitting.
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