Let's explore common mistakes machine knitters make and focus on how you can be more productive / efficient with your knitting.

Watching videos instead of knitting
It's so easy to fall into the trap of watching someone else knit. But watching isn't getting you any closer to your goals with your knitting machine.
Make a promise to yourself to devote regular, scheduled time to sitting down at your machine.

Skipping swatching
Without a swatch:
  • How do you know how many stitches to cast on and rows to knit?
  • How do you know how the finished item will feel?
  • How do you know how your yarn will wash?
  • How do you know how much yarn you need?
Swatching is NOT OPTIONAL
The only way you'll have success is to learn how to knit, prepare and measure a "Proper" Swatch

Jumping from machine to machine
If you have multiple machines it's tempting to play with them. But this is a fast-track to getting yourself confused and distracted from your goals.
Promise me you will put away all but ONE machine and focus on it.

Using patterns from different sources
There are so many ways to generate knitting patterns. Why create more confusion for yourself?
  • Knit it Now Perfect Fit custom patterns
  • Translating hand knitting patterns
  • Vintage machine knittingpatterns
  • Using software
  • Charting devices
Pick a charting/pattern method and STICK WITH IT!

Knit it Now Dynamic patterns allow you to use ANY machine, ANY Yarn and YOUR GAUGE. As a member, you'd have full access to all of our Perfect Fit Basics.
What are your biggest hurdles? Hit reply and let us know how we can help you on your journey to master your knitting machine

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Tina B
 Oct 2, 2024
Today i learnd my lesson, but I am still ambitious, and finding adorable (not-so--)knitables i still use much time to aproach the design. Once i tried all patterning devices from knititnow to dak to dryknit to handknit for understanding the pattern construction....I got it eventionally. Took me at least a year...

Tina B
 Oct 2, 2024
Jumping from machine to machine was the biggest issue. Looking videos gave me a good understanding for what is possible,. But it seriously was part of buying more machines. Needlebed limitations? Buy another bond and make it broader. Latchopening, round counter, tension spring...wow, other machines have patterning capacities? A punchcard machine . ....and so on. Buying different yarn because you do not know what to like, and do not forget the yarn stash i already had and was NOT suitable for my machines.... For the handknitter: Stokkinette is boring, i thought. liking complicated stitchpatterns i was way too ambitious.And machineknitting is cheating, so noone should know, nothing should tell.