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4 Common Machine Knitting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Are these common mistakes holding you back? Discover four pitfalls machine knitters face – like skipping swatching or juggling too many patterns – and learn practical tips to overcome them. Boost your productivity, master your machine, and knit with confidence!

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Are These Common Mistakes Holding You Back?

Let’s explore four common mistakes machine knitters make – and how you can avoid them to be more productive and efficient with your knitting.

1. Watching Videos Instead of Knitting

It’s easy to get caught up watching someone else knit. Videos can be helpful, but watching isn’t getting you any closer to your knitting goals.

Action Step: Schedule regular, dedicated time to sit down at your machine. Even 15 minutes of hands-on practice will take you further than hours of watching!

2. Skipping Swatching

Think swatching is optional? Think again! Without a proper swatch:

  • How will you know how many stitches to cast on or rows to knit?
  • How will you know how the finished item will feel?
  • How will you know how the yarn will wash?
  • How will you know how much yarn you’ll need?

Swatching isn’t a chore; it’s the key to success. Learn to knit, prepare, and measure a proper swatch, and you’ll save yourself time and frustration.

If you’re not sure how to swatch properly, check out our Classroom: Swatching is NOT Optional . It’s packed with tips to help you get perfect results every time!”

3. Jumping From Machine to Machine

If you have multiple machines, it’s tempting to bounce between them. But this can lead to confusion and stall your progress.

Action Step: Pick one machine to focus on and put the others away – for now. Mastering one machine at a time will build your confidence and skills faster.

4. Using Patterns From Different Sources

There are many ways to generate knitting patterns, but jumping between methods can cause unnecessary confusion:

  • Translating hand knitting patterns
  • Using vintage machine knitting patterns
  • Trying charting devices or software
Action Step: Pick one method and stick with it!

Explore Knit It Now Patterns – customizable patterns designed to work with any machine, any yarn, and at your gauge. As a member, you’ll have full access to our dynamic, easy-to-use patterns.

What’s holding you back?
Let us help you master your knitting machine!

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Sue J
 Dec 12, 2024

Very few of us are using "new" knitting machines. Most date back to the 80's

Do you hesitate to use your refrigerator because it's a few years old? No, you get value from the appliance you have.

Not much "gives out" on machines if they are stored and maintained properly.  You may break an occasional needle and the sponge bar needs to be replaced, but these are both available. Unless it it dropped or mis-treated, our machines are very sturdy.

What machine do you have?  If you are worried about electronics, yes, this can "give out", however the machine is still usable. I'm happy to hear you are having success with your hand knitting, but your machine is another tool you can easily use. You'll have fun learning a new craft and more quickly finish your projects.

Please let me know how I can help.

Helena R
 Dec 12, 2024
I guess what is stalling me is the fear of starting to buy yarn and paying to become a member of knit it Now courses and then the machine I received second hand gives out and something breaks due to its age. I already started buying some yarn (cones and cakes) yet also due to house renovations and life, my learning has stalled though I decided not to give up but instead focus on learning hand knitting and already finished 3 projects (a hat, twist headband ear warmer for my daughter, and a linen stitch throw for my mother-in-law which just needs to cast off).

Lara F
 Oct 27, 2024
Jumping from machine to machine for awhile. Then it was watching more training than doing. Now I just don't have time and then I forget in between what I was doing. I need to just make fabric and practice with a good audiobook.

Esther S
 Oct 26, 2024
I haven't used my Brother KH970 machine for so long. This summer I knitted some very simple stockings, without a pattern: now I finally want to knit a sweater or cardigan with a pattern. But I've just realized that I need to practice the basics. It's good that I've found such simple and great patterns here.

Sue J
 Oct 11, 2024
@Shanna, The only reason your knitting will fall off is if the yarn isn't in the yarn feeder correctly. If the machine doesn't have yarn available to form loops, the needles will just pull out and drop all the stitches. I'll contact you privately.

Shanna H
 Oct 11, 2024
I'm a beginner so still doing a lot of practicing. Every time I thread nylon cord into the feeder and knit across, it doesn't knit and my swatch falls off. What am I doing wrong?

Barb S
 Oct 10, 2024
It's been a very, very, very long time since I've machine knitted...I bought my first knitting machine when I was very young & lived near someone who could show me what to do. That was more than 50 years ago & I lost it in a move. I then purchased my current 2 machines in the past 8 years & have done nothing on them or with them. Needless to say, I'm overwhelmed. When I bought the KH930, I also was given a store load of coned yarns, books, accessories...I have recently retired from full time work & I have been hand knitting like crazy...I'd like to also re-learn how to machine knit. So my biggest question is, "Where do I start?" I need to get the KH930 set up. I have a metal stand I received with the machine & ribber (KR850E). So once I get the machine on the stand, what's next??? I have been looking forward to joining this group for a very long time. So I guess this is my biggest mistake that's holding me back...It's good to be here!!!

Tina B
 Oct 2, 2024
Today i learnd my lesson, but I am still ambitious, and finding adorable (not-so--)knitables i still use much time to aproach the design. Once i tried all patterning devices from knititnow to dak to dryknit to handknit for understanding the pattern construction....I got it eventionally. Took me at least a year...

Tina B
 Oct 2, 2024
Jumping from machine to machine was the biggest issue. Looking videos gave me a good understanding for what is possible,. But it seriously was part of buying more machines. Needlebed limitations? Buy another bond and make it broader. Latchopening, round counter, tension, other machines have patterning capacities? A punchcard machine . ....and so on. Buying different yarn because you do not know what to like, and do not forget the yarn stash i already had and was NOT suitable for my machines.... For the handknitter: Stokkinette is boring, i thought. liking complicated stitchpatterns i was way too ambitious.And machineknitting is cheating, so noone should know, nothing should tell.

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