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Illustration of a knitting punchcard showing repeatable stitch pattern design

Master Automatic Stitch Patterning

The December LIVE meeting talked about using a single stitch pattern in many, many ways. From stitch variations, to color choices, to various knitting techniques, you can get a lot of mileage from a single stitch pattern.

This short video is an introduction to the topic covering automatic stitch patterning in general.

2 color electronic machine knitting classes

Automatic Stitch Patterning

The December LIVE meeting explored using a single stitch pattern in many, many ways. From stitch variations, to color choices, to various knitting techniques, you can get a lot of mileage from a single stitch pattern.

This short video is the introduction to the live meeting covering automatic stitch patterning in general.

Knit it Now Members can watch the full replay of the LIVE meeting, including examples of different techniques with one card.

Members: Click here to watch the entire replay

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Automatic Stitch Patterning on Knitting Machines

Take a stitch pattern (punchcard or electronic), and explore how to use it in many ways to create unique stitch designs for your machine knitting.

Automatic patterning machines with instruction from buttons, punchcards, mylar readers or electronics will position the needles as you knit. With the correct settings on the knitting carriage, different stitch patterns can be formed.

Automatic Patterning Examples:
  • 2 yarns can be positioned and knit with one pass of the carriage to create fairisle (stranded) knitting

  • Needles can be skipped for slip stitch designs

  • The working yarn can be looped over specific needles to create tuck stitch designs

  • Needles can be positioned to be transferred with alace carriage

  • And so much more!

In the Knit it Now LIVE meeting we explored Automatic Stitch Patterning with knitting machines.

  • We talked about choosing 1 stitch pattern (punchcard) and applying it to many different knitting techniques.

  • We considered stitch pattern variations available such as double-high, double-wide, mirroring, etc.

  • Adding color for even more interest is another possibility

  • Knit that same stitch pattern with needles out of work for an openwork, lace-like effect
Take a single stitch pattern and explore
variations, color and techniques to expand your machine knitting skills

Knit it Now Members can view the entire replay of this meeting here

Master Automatic Stitch Patterning

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One of the many advantages of machine knitting is the ability to quickly and easily knit in pattern. Textured stitch patterns, multi-color patterns can all be quickly produced with the help of automatic patterning devices. Using Punchcard or electronics, the machine automatically selects needles for pattern knitting.

If you've been stumped by knitting in pattern on your machine, this course will take away the fear and confusion.

Using fill-in-the-blanks tutorials, we'll walk you through all the settings for YOUR machine, creating a cheat-sheet that you can use again and again.
Once you finish the exercises you will have an UNDERSTANDING of what is going on with all the levers and buttons and you will be CONFIDENT to sit down and work the stitch pattern of your choice.

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nosub n
 Jan 4, 2024
Jo-Ann, I'm contacting you privately for more information about what you are asking. Basically, you need to establish your stitch and row gauge to determine how many stitches to cast on and how many rows to knit. You can use our Rectangle/Square tool to help with the math. Once you determine your stitches and rows, you can use knitters graph paper to work out colors or a stitch pattern

Jo-Ann S
 Jan 3, 2024
how do you figure out a 30 x 72 afghan pattern on the bulky machine for stitches and rows ?

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