What cast on method is best?
Open vs Closed Cast On
Closed but Temporary
Add even weight
Closed and Functional
Specialty Cast On
Hems and Edges
Troubleshooting Tips
Bind Off Classroom

What's the Difference?

Open Cast on
By definition, an open cast on will have stitches that may unravel if given the chance.

Some machine manuals will give instruction for this type of cast on
Here are some variations:
  • Open Cast on with a cast on Comb
  • Open Cast on with a wire
  • Open Cast on with Ravel cord
Most knitters graduate beyond these methods pretty quickly.
The most often used open cast on methods are:
  • Scrap and Ravel
  • Using a Cast on Rag
You will use these again and again

Closed Cast on
With a closed cast on, the starting stitches are secure.
These techniques can be categorized:
  • Closed but temporary.
    These cast on methods are quick and have their place ... they just wouldn't be appropriate for the finished edge of your next sweater.
    • Cast on for swatching
    • Scrap 'n Ravel Cast on
    • Cut 'n Sew
  • Closed and Functional
    These techniques can be used for the edges of your knitting, without any additional finishing.
    • We'll cover a few of these techniques in the following section