All about Tuck
Patterns using Tuck
Quck Win: Tucked Blocks
Course: Tuck Baby Trio
Tuck Examples
Genius use of Tuck
Skills you need
Replay: LIVE Tuck Talk
Master Automatic Stitch Patterning

Stitch Library: Tuck

Amazing texture with tuck from the knit or purl side
KIN 487 Tuck
KIN 440 Tuck
KIN 412 Tuck
KIN 414 Tuck
KIN 416 Tuck
KIN 417 Tuck
KIN 420 Tuck
KIN 403 Tuck
KIN 405 Tuck
KIN 406 Tuck
KIN 408 Tuck
Tuck Hearts
Wide Diagonal Tuck
Diagonal 124
Tuck Waves 1
Tuck Waves
1x1 tuck