Classroom: Ribber
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What's a Ribber?
Picture this:
That is the basic idea of a knitting machine ribber.
Imagine being able to knit k1, p1 ribbing with the pass of the carriage ... but wait! There's so much more!
- You have a knitting machine with 100+ needles.
- You use a carriage to quickly knit 100+ needles with the pass of the carriage
- Imagine cloning that needlebed, turning it 180° and positioning the needles facing each other.
That is the basic idea of a knitting machine ribber.
Imagine being able to knit k1, p1 ribbing with the pass of the carriage ... but wait! There's so much more!

A bit of advice:
If you are just getting started with machine knitting and have a ribber, be kind to yourself and take this advice.
Put the ribber aside for a while ... master the single bed BEFORE adding the ribber to the equation.
Learn and understand the settings for your machine. Practice with a few different yarns, learn to read and follow patterns ... get some successes under your belt before adding the ribber.
Trust me .... been there ... done that
If you are just getting started with machine knitting and have a ribber, be kind to yourself and take this advice.
Put the ribber aside for a while ... master the single bed BEFORE adding the ribber to the equation.
Learn and understand the settings for your machine. Practice with a few different yarns, learn to read and follow patterns ... get some successes under your belt before adding the ribber.
Trust me .... been there ... done that