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Stephanie DeVoe
5 years ago
Hi all. A bit late getting started with this KAL. First I had to unpack my ribber from our last move. Then I had to get it set up. Then a bit of cleanup, and a new sponge bar. Am using my Brother 270 with 260 ribber. I guess I'd be an advanced beginner, since I have made a few garments; but none with the ribber. I have only played with it earlier on in my learning. My overall goal is to get comfortable with my ribber, and learn the many options available with it (like cast-ons of course, knitting in the round, DBJ, etc.) I'm hoping these will be covered in this KAL. I've never been able to commit to a KAL before, and am really looking forward to doing it. Stephanie
Sue Jalowiec
5 years ago
Hi and welcome Stephanie I'm so glad you are joining us!
We'll be covering Tubular Knitting and "U" Knitting in Week 3.
You can see a listing of the up coming topics from the outline at the bottom the main course page
The basis of DBJ is full needle rib, so week 3 will be important for you to work all the exercises.