Kathy Walker

5 years ago
Hello! I am Kathy Walker and I'm from Jacksonville, Oregon. I recently bought a Silver sk103, circa 1963. It's a basic machine, which is just what I neef. Looking forward to learning more about knitting machines and how to use them. Are there any other Oregonians?
Maryann Brown

5 years ago
Hi Kathy,

Waldport here on the mid coast. I belong to the Metropolitan Knitting Machine Guild in Oregon City. Machine Knitters are pretty spread out around here. I know there are some in Corvallis, but that is still a long way from Jacksonville. 

Cheers and congratulations on using your vintage machine!
Sue Jalowiec

5 years ago
HI Kathy!  Welcome to our little group!
I love that you describe your machine as vintage ... most of us use older machines.  Do you have the manual for your machine?

We started Knit it Now almost 10 years ago because we MKers are all in the same boat ... feeling isolated with no stores or even nearby knitters.
But with the magic of the internet the MK community soldiers on!
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