Archive of Thread: Studio Machines - Tuck Both Directions Back
Tamara Anderson
5 years ago
I know you can tuck in both directions on the Brother (ex: to create the waffle stitch) but I cannot do this on my Silver Reed Electronic or Studio 360.
I don’t see how you can set it to tuck in both directions. My electronic only tucks 1 direction and knits the opposite direction.
Someone told me I had to use a punch card or Dak to Tuck 2 rows. Why would I have to do that if it is set to tuck?
Has anyone done the Waffle Patterning using the ribber on a Silver Reed machine?
Tuck 2 Rows
Knit 2 Rows
Sue Jalowiec
5 years ago
I'm not understanding why you can't tuck in both directions. Maybe I'm missing something
To set the beds to tuck takes 2 steps
1. Set the side levers on both the main bed and ribber carriages
2. Set the dial to Tuck on both carriages
Can you show us a photo of how you have your carriages set?