Heidi Aarhus

5 years ago
I just started machineknitting again in 2018. I had a KH 860 with ribber in the 1990`s and knitted some nice outfit for my kids but sold it later on.  I bought a Brother KH 260 15 years ago, though I never used until this year. I bought a KH 860 + ribber in november. Unfortunately the KH 860 is not playing along with me. It does not select the needles correctly and is a source of frustration for me. I hope to get i t sorted eventually so I can get the most out of my knitting. So far I only knitted som scarves and a little set for a grandaughter. I also did a sweater for myself on the KH 860 and had to handmanipulate an all over fairislepattern. Not to happy with the result though..... Hope to learn much more here! 

5 years ago
Hello, Heidi. Could your 860 need a new needle retaining/sponge bar?  Are the wheels/discs under the carriage spinning freely?  I just got an 860 a month ago, and out of five knitting machines I own, it is already my favorite one.  I love, love the gauge!
Sue Jalowiec

5 years ago
Welcome, Heidi!
So glad you've joined us..  I'm sure you will get your machine up and running.  Sounds like you are doing great
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