Hinke Stukje-Beijert

4 years ago
Hi everyone,
I'm sorry if my English is nog perfect, I'm from Holland. I'll do my best to describe my problem as good as possible.
I created a dynamic pattern. It says there will be 5 sleeve lenghts included but I can only see the long one. In the past i could see all 5 sleeves. Has anything changed in the way to create the patterns? Can anyone please help me with this?
Sue Jalowiec

4 years ago
Hi Hinke!
We recently made big changes to our patterns.  They are now "perfect fit".  You can enter your own sleeve length.  No more need to have 5 different sleeves in each pattern.  
I just haven't changed the description in all of the patterns Ã°Å¸Ëœâ€ (I'll work on getting the descriptions updated, sorry for the confusion)

As you build your pattern, enter your desired sleeve length, upper arm and wrist size

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