Archive of Thread: New Member: Karen Wylie from Connecticut (US) Back
4 years ago
Hi everyone,
I remember my first year in high school in 1976: our all-girls school required that each student knit a sweater for charity each year. Our sweaters would be given to disadvantaged children, mostly toddlers. My mother decided that this would a perfect opportunity for me to knit the sweater on her Passap knitting machine. She chose the baby blue wool, set the tension appropriately, cast on, and did the ribbing for me. Then she left me to it.
Oh boy! The finished product was plus-sized instead. Big, floppy, and ugly as sin. For reasons I still can’t fathom, Mom was immensely proud of me, and insisted I keep it for myself. I was a slight, skinny 12-year-old, and it hung down to my knees. Of course, the project deadline for school was only a day away, so my Mom sat down and knit the most beautiful little sweater in a russet red color that night, and that was the one I handed in.
And for more reasons that I also can’t fathom, I happily wore my ugly-as-sin sweater until it fell to pieces by the time I was 26-27 years old.
I’m here to redeem myself. I love hand knitting although I’m not very good at it. I always wanted to try machine knitting again. Will I do better this time around? Online research told me about the LK150. That took me to, and then to My machine arrived yesterday.
My first practice last night was fun, but a disaster. I’m looking forward to the journey.
4 years ago
Love this story! Welcome Karen!
Your first practice was a disaster? By what standards?
Take it slowly and you will do great! We're here to help!
4 years ago
what a lovely memory you have. thanks so much for sharing.
4 years ago
KIN has so many helps. Take it slow & simple. Knit for charity. Baby items are fast & easy. You learn with each completed project. Mistakes, disasters happen to all of us. Even when you’ve been machine knitting for years! Yesterday I was knitting a top down raglan shrug for a little girl. I attached both fronts to one sleeve rather than a back & a front.. so I had to rip out. Also in the process I forgot to put the yarn in the carriage @one point & everything came off in my lap! Don’t get discouraged!