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Alex Theodossis
4 years ago
Just wanted to drop in, say hi to everybody. My journey with knitting machines has been an off and on again frustrating, but very rewarding experience. I started with an aldi machine back in 2015 and since then I have build a considerable inventory of Brother/Silver Reed, and even 2 Passap knitting machines, along with knit radar; knit leaders, etc. I don't regret a minute of it. I do have ribbers for my Japanese machines, and I am very fond of my plastic machines (KX355 & LK150). I wanted to do everything in the beginning and that led to a lot of frustration, and yes broken needles also :-), but it was all part of the learning experience. Thanks to this website, some very helpful distant friends (Australia; UK; Japan), and Tammy in PA I have learned a lot and still learning every day. I am a very visual person, so I have to see to understand/learn; I cannot just read regardless how excellent the writing is. I have heard the term of leave it and come back, and boy does that work for machine knitting. Things are finally clicking, and the results are very very nice. I will start posting my goodies, now that they are presentable :-); also, the Covid-stay at home orders have helped a ton in finding time to practice and work . I hope everybody is staying safe.
I am glad to see I am not the only guy machine knitter in here :-)
Alex T.
Linda Dobson
4 years ago
Welcome...Southern Maryland here! Just learning to use my machines after refurbishing them. I hope to make some amazing things!
4 years ago
Hi Alex,
Go you on acquiring all the toys! Great advice on walking away...something I need to learn for sure. Looking forward to seeing your projects.
Sue Jalowiec
4 years ago
Hi Alex!
Welcome! I'm sure your comments about frustration and broken needles resonate with EVERYONE here. None of us are prepared for the learning curve, but as you said "Things are finally clicking, and the results are very very nice."
Please share you successes. They will encourage others who are having trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Happy Knitting!