Debra Gerber

4 years ago
Using the FC-6 fairisle carriage. 

My problem is that when I am trying to knit with black and white Tamm 3 ply yarn, a few black needles seem to be not knitting and falling off the needles.  They are not the same needles all the time so I don't believe it's broken.  

Does anyone have this carriage?  Any advice?
Sue Jalowiec

4 years ago
Lucky you having this carriage!  What a great addition to your MK toolkit!
1. Do you have any problems knitting stockinette?
2. Have you tried fairisle with other colors or yarns?
3. Do you have enough weight on the knitting?
4. How's your spongebar?  (This can cause weird issues sometimes)

Brita Audas

4 years ago
Hello, Debra, I too had a similar issue with my FC-6 carriage. I adjusted the upper tension and that helped. Good luck!
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