Sue Jalowiec

4 years ago
A knitter asked: 
What type of pen/pencil do I use to mark the Mylar (?) pattern sheet to feed into my 910?
@Carolyn Reschke
Nancy Mangeri

4 years ago
I use the "Vis a Vis" water erasable markers available at office supply stores.  They won't  rub off by accident but come clean with a wet cloth. They come in several colors, but black is what I  use most. Hope this helps.
Kathy Walker

4 years ago
I bought one on EBay. Now I'm looking for the Mylar sheets for the 910. Does anyone make them or is there a way to adapt a blank one for another machine?
Carolyn Reschke

4 years ago
Thank you, Nancy. I use those on the Mylar sheets for the knitleader. I’ll try using the black on the Mylar sheet for the 910. [QUOTE username=Nancy Mangeri  Nancy Mangeri userid=6383273 postid=1321686312]I use the "Vis a Vis" water erasable markers available at office supply stores.  They won't  rub off by accident but come clean with a wet cloth. They come in several colors, but black is what I  use most. Hope this helps.[/QUOTE]
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