Archive of Thread: troubleshooting 2x2 ribbing Back
Zori Bragg
3 years ago
I am seeking insight with 2x2 ribbing on a Brother KH930 I discovered a couple strands snagged on gate pegs which seemed to be the cause a jam. I the knitting off and started over. I also noticed that every so often the end needles don't completely knit. I've put 6 weights on the cast-on comb. I successfully knitted a swatch of this sock yarn last week (different needle positions) and last night knit over 100 rows with a different yarn.
I'm puzzled. Is there an action or inaction that causes yarn to loop on gate pegs? What makes the end needles latch the yarn but not form a new stitch? Thanks!
Sue Jalowiec
3 years ago
Hi Zori,
I'm not sure about the strands on the gate pegs .. ... They're a getting caught on the main bed? Too loose of tension?
6 weights seems like a lot ... hmmmm... Hopefully someone in the "brain trust" can give you more advice.
As to the end needles, wire weight hangers (7 hanger) really help. I know, you have a LOT of weight on the knitting, but give these a try. Move them up as you knit.
Zori Bragg
3 years ago
Thanks, Sue. The strands only got caught once, but the end needles not knitting is a recurring challenge.