Susan Brown

3 years ago
I am looking at buying a set of blocking boards and have looked at  Amazon.com and am at a loss as there are quite a number of brands available in a variety of pack contents (from 4 - 9 pieces).   Any suggestions as to which are better and how many pieces does one usually find necessary?

3 years ago
I, too, investigated these blocking boards about a year ago.  I finally gave up because I couldn't find any that you could push pins into, i.e. for blocking knits and/or that you could steam press on top of.  Maybe I just wasn't looking in the right places.  I'll be interested to follow your thread on this.

Sandee in Washington State, USA
Marsha Sachs

3 years ago
I got a set from Knitpicks a while back.  They lock together like puzzle pieces and are about 1" thick.  They are a firm foam-like material that you can pin right into.  There are about a foot each so you can make a 9 sq. ft. area, big enough for most pieces.  If you have the space to lay them out, you can add more pieces to get a larger surface.  They come in a kit with a plastic storage bag an t-pins.  They work great and can be put away and stored in a small space when not in use.  Here's the link:
Susan Brown

3 years ago
Thanks so much.
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