Carmel Gahan

3 years ago
Hi. I'd like some help with the Practice Neckline Tutorial. I've succeeded in doing the first side of short row decreasing, scrapped off and rehung the decreased part. However, when i put the left side needles into the working position, with other needles in hold, carriage on the left, H button activated, then i threaded the yarn and closed the gate. With a peg on the yarn I knit across and all needles in working position cast off. What am I doing wrong please? any advice appreciated.
Sue Jalowiec

3 years ago
Do mean the all the stitches drop off?  Are you sure the carriage is threaded correctly?  That would make the stitches fall off the machine

Is this the technique you are trying?
Mary Ann Bucklin

3 years ago
I have had the same problem with the carriage on the left.  What I noticed is that the yarn did not enter the carriage far enough to the back to be in the correct position for knitting - even with the gate closed.  If you pull the yarn to the back and to the left you will feel it 'pop' into position.  I hope this makes sense.  I've never had the same problem with the carriage on the right.  It seems that moving the carriage to the left takes care of it.
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