Tina Brauckmann

2 years ago
to cast on on the main bed with the ribber comb, you can do that without the ribber attached. That may not make sense in a ribber knitalong, but when you dont have attached the ribber, and working single bed work, or as here the wasteyarn-cast-on. It may be useful for those that have to concentrate on the main bed, or dont have a ribber.

Istead of the zigzag-row you knit every other needle, the strands are holdt around the gatepegs. Inserting the ribber comb is a little bit tricky, the wire must not get trapped between gatepegs and mainbed.

So i used T 10 for the Every other needle cast on row, Ensure loose tension, for getting that extra yarn for getting the comb down and not damaging the carriage. (its wasteyarn, not the garment, therefore loose tension is fine)
,then i inserted the comb, the wire may lay innside the gatepegs/mainbed.
Then i lift the comb over the gatepegs, to get it hung before the gatepegs.

Now the comb is free to use.
Hang the weights,
knit the ravelcord
and cast on with main yarn with your method.
You have even weight support and a comb that stays where it should.
Sue Jalowiec

2 years ago
Thanks Tina!
Good ideas!

We also have a video about using the ribber cast on comb with the main bed only.
Joy Green

2 years ago
Thanks Tina and Sue!! 😊 😊 
Tina Brauckmann

2 years ago
Sue,  that is right..An excellent video. But you still start with the ribber and a zigg zagg row. What if you dont have one?

What i describe doesn't involve a ribber at all.😊
Joy Green

2 years ago
Hi Tina
Yes, I thought that was a good idea, if you don't have a ribber (but managed to get a ribber comb) , and also if the ribber isn't set up 😊 .
My Singer fixed double bed has the facility to use its ribber comb to cast on the back bed with, without using the ribber. You fit it in between the beds as you cast on. It's a bit fiddly but it works well - the singer/Superba fixed double beds don't have gatepegs which I really like!!
Joy 😊
Terri Smith

2 years ago
Hi Joy
i have a Superba too and love it
Joy Green

2 years ago
Terri, I'm getting a 2nd one soon, with a motor...which will be good for my back.
Not sure if it's all working properly but it was when it was put away a few months ago, so they said... fingers crossed 🤞 😊😊
Terri Smith

2 years ago
yeah! A motor, good. That will definitely help your back. I recently invested in an industrial work table so I stand to knit, and that has helped my neck and back immensely. I was gifted with 2 superbas and 2 conversion beds with carriages. I have a patterning box, but it is not working correctly. I know I can repair it, I just need to devote the time to it. I am thinking of selling the 2 conversion bed kits, as I don’t have a use for them. Happy knitting!
Joy Green

2 years ago
What are conversion bed kits? Don't suppose you're in the UK?
Terri Smith

2 years ago

Hi Joy
 A conversion kit makes a single bed Superba a true double bed. The earlier Superbas were single beds. It is basically the front bed, the front carriage and the end [
pieces. I live in US in northern New York State, about 60 miles south of Montreal Canada. 


Joy Green

2 years ago
Oh I see... I thought they were always fixed double bed machines... I thought the conversion kits might be something useful to me, but not for my machine... Thank you. 
Terri Smith

2 years ago

Hi Joy,
let me know if you need anything for your Superba. I have tons of needles and many parts. 


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