Archive of Thread: Ribbing width for slip stitch pattern Back
Kathleen Fraser
2 years ago
I plan to start a new sweater soon. I have chosen a zig zag slip stitch pattern for the entire sweater. When I did my swatch its apparent that the pattern part is narrower than the stocking stitch bits I did to start and finish my swatch. My pattern calls for a ribbed hem and I have a ribber. So I am wondering, do I use the same number of stitches for the ribbing as for the slip stitch pattern? More?
Jenny M Benson
2 years ago
I think what I would do is swatch in stockinet to work out how many stitches you would use to knit the sweater in that, then compare with the number needed for the slip stitch sweater. You can then knit the ribbing with the fewer number of stitches and then take it off the needles and re-hang, increasing evenly across the row as necessary. If you only need very few stitches ore you could probably get away with just making 1 or 2 increases at each side, which would be a lot quicker!