2 years ago
Hello everyone! My name is Anne-Lise. I am Swiss and live in the area of Geneva. My mothertongue is French. I have been a handknitter for years, a little crochet as well, until I bought a Passap Vario for bulky yarn. Since I am eager to knit finer yarns, I was looking for a machine that offers more options. It is also a hobby I foresee for my coming retirement in 1 1/2 year. I came across a KH 893, including all possible accessories but an engine. A very impressive machine I must say! Tried to get started, but impossible even to succed in binding on. Tried all methods to no end. At first I thought of a tension problem, tried different yarns, until I discovered that the sponge bar of both beds was totally flat. Maybe this explains that. Otherwise the machine is in very good condition and is supposed to work fine according to the trustworthy prececent owner. 
My difficulty is that I am totally alone to learn how to use this machine. Hence my subscription to Knit it now. It would be great to find other machine knitters in my area. I look for very modern style knitting.
At this point, my priority is to find 2 new sponge bars before getting started. I do not dare to try the DIY, for I am afraid to fail and to cause dammages. If anyone has and idea where I could order it, I would appreciate. I tried a Brother supplier in Switzerland but so far no answer. I found one in the US but it does not deliver in Europe.
As you see, Knit it Now is expected to be my lifesaver in using that machine that looks full of promisses but without some coaching I shall not be able to get though all its secrets. I am quite motivated though and hope to be able to make quick progress once I overcome this sponge bar issue. I look forward to getting to know other community members. 
Kindest regards,
Jill Foley

2 years ago
Knit it now is the BEST place for learning and getting information, and Sue is wonderful.
As for sponge bars....I don’t like to make them myself either, and found theknttingcloset.com to have them.  I don’t know if they ship to Europe.   Good luck!  Jill.
Joy Green

2 years ago
Hi Anne-Lise
I bought mine from these people in the UK, they post to Europe. 
Joy 😊 😊 
Sue Jalowiec

2 years ago
Welcome @Anne-Lise FAVRE PILET!

A flat spongbar will cause all sorts of headaches.

As for casting on... there are lots of methods.  In my humble opinion, most of the methods shown in the manuals are difficult.

Please check the Cast on classroom for some alternate methods.

Also be sure your yarn is fine enough for your machine.  

I know it feels like you are all alone, but there is a worldwide community of generous knitters available to help.

Sue Jalowiec

2 years ago
One more thought...
I always preach to start with the main bed only. Keep the ribber in the box for now.. Why try to learn 2 machines at the same time?

When you get comfortable with knitting on the main bed - including patternining then tackle the ribber with fresh eyes.

OK - off my soapbox ðŸ˜?

2 years ago
Thank you Jill, very kind of you! Knitting Closet does not deliver in Europe unfortunately.
Thank you Joy, I shall try that address in UK!
And thank you Sue. I measure already the benefits of being a member. I shall follow your pieces of advise.
I very much appreciate the quick reaction of you all! THANK YOU! Very reassuring!
Kindest regards to you all.
Simone Widmer

2 years ago
Hello Anne-Lise, I am Swiss too, but live in Australia. I have a very similar modell to yours. The KH 892. Just got it recently.  It seems like a great machine. Once you have new sponge bars,  which is essential,  try using the cast-on comb the machine has. I use that mainly with waste yarn. Then do e-wrap or your preferred method. Good luck and have fun. Simone

2 years ago
Hello Simone, Thank you for the tips! I look forward to trying. Sponge bars' kit has been ordered in UK, thanks to Joy! Hope everything is well in Australia, a country that I have not visited yet. Kindest regards, Anne-Lise
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