Archive of Thread: Acter 2 days of complete frustration, I amm start a new Prickly Pear Sweater Back
Cynthia Quill
2 years ago
I was trying to do some practice exercises to work on the shaping of armholes and was getting very frustrated. I think that I have problem understanding the entire picture when working with just a segment. So, as much as I want to make a sweater for myself, so tired of practice sweaters, but practice is so necessary, I am making a child's Prickly Pear. I just printed off a part of a web page that has average measurements for kids. If I am going to do another, at least maybe it will fit one of the grandchildren.
We will see how this goes. My last sweater was not bad, but due to circumstances, so much time lapsed between start to finish, I am starting all over. The partial practices have just confused me, so maybe one from start to finish, where the steps work together instead of being segmented, it will be easier. Fingers crossed. I will swatch tonight and get the pattern calculated tomorrow. � Sometimes, it pays to be stubborn.