Tyara Mercado

2 years ago
Please help me with the gusset explanation on page 44 for the Passap DM80
I can't figure it out, I think I am supposed to end up with 2 stitches more than what I started with on the heel flap?  I am knitting a child;s size 6, total of 48 stitches, 24 stiches on the front bed.   When I finish the heel flap I knitted 24 passes, so I will pick up 12 stitches on each side? +2 for the stitches in the ditch?
Help, please
Cherie Smiley

2 years ago
Hi Tyara, it's been a while since you asked your question, but if you haven't figured it out, I wonder if you are supposed to transfer those end stitches (one on each end) to the front bed to prevent a hole on each side of your heel?  I'm not a Passap user, but just thought it might be something you can do?
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