Archive of Thread: Readers wrap Knitalong Back
Margaret Walker
2 years ago
Thought this would be a quick easy Xmas present! I knitted two tension squares - one for the pocket and a different stitch for the main wrap. I filled in the results for the KIN pattern. Firstly I was puzzled by the need to fill in a Universal tension - did not understand what was wanted here. Anyway I continued and the resulting pattern produced matched the mathematical way of working out the number of stitches and rows needed, exactly as I thought for the pocket and for the width of the wrap. HOWEVER
the number of rows to knit was massively more than the manual calculation. My husband checked my maths and agrees I have calculated correctly. Has anyone else had a problem with this pattern?
Joy Green
2 years ago
Hi Margaret
I've just saved the pattern with 2 'made up' gauges, and checked the number of rows, and it looks correct to me..
The universal gauge looks as if it is for when you are using same yarn and stitch pattern for the pocket as the main piece. But I don't see why it is necessary to enter it if you're using different swatches..?
Over to you Sue?
Joy 🤔
Sue Jalowiec
2 years ago
Hi Margaret,
Joy is correct. The Universal Gauge is if you want to knit the wrap and pocket in the same gauge.
Otherwise enter 2 different gauges and we'll calculate the stitches and rows for you for the wrap and pockets separately
Looking at your pattern, it looks like you built your pattern in inches and entered 165.10.
I'm guessing that you meant to select cm, not inches.
So the pattern is being calculated in inches not cm.
Please take a look and double check your inches/cm selection
Margaret Walker
2 years ago
Hi Sue,
Many thanks - I can see how I got muddled half way through. Have redone it and it is fine now. Just one point, Unless I enter a universal tension , the programme will not work. To get round this, I entered the tension for the main part - the wrap in, under both a separate part (the wrap) and also as the universal tension - it then works.
Margaret Walker
2 years ago
it won't generate the pattern - just highlights the boxes for universal gauge
Joy Green
2 years ago
Sue, it won't let you go any further unless you enter the universal gauge...
Joy Green
2 years ago
Sue Jalowiec
2 years ago
OK - thanks!
So you entered the mix and match gauge and it's requiring Universal gauge too? Duhhhh...
We'll take a look at this.
Thanks for the heads up! Obviously I missed this.