Archive of Thread: A bit late with this! Back
Donna Bates
2 years ago
My name is Donna, I reside in Raleigh, NC. I've been accessing the site since I acquired my first machine (Brother KH930/940) several years ago. I treated myself to a full membership once Sue announced the machine specific course and I'm FINALLY producing work like I always wanted to and have barely gotten through 1/3 of the course! I have since acquired a KX350 machine and enjoy that a lot as well.
I taught myself to handknit about 5 years ago after being a crocheter for over 40 years and a sewer for over 50 years. The hardest part of any of my crafting is figuring out how to work it as a leftie. One has to learn to think backwards first then do 'dry runs' to make sure what you think up will actually work in the real world!
Sue Jalowiec
2 years ago
Hi Donna!
I'm so glad we've been able to help you with your knitting.
The KX350 is a fun machine that can use a wide variety of yarn weights.
As always, please let me know how I can help.
We have some fun things planned for the new year ... stay tuned!