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Florencia Castillo
6 years ago
I've started to learn machine knitting 2 years ago, with an old passap at the time I was 4 months pregnant.
I've never felt so much frustration with a machine and learning process before.
It took me the complete pregnancy to discover that in part, it wasn't me, I must say I learned a lot, but this abandoned machine was a mess. After my child was born, I've got a well maintained Brother and since then my path as a knitter improved enormously. In between I discovered this website and it became more like my bible. I'm still knitting part time and I'm developing a small childrens brand and making my firsts garments and accessories.
It is so nice for me to be part of the group.
Nancy Mangeri
6 years ago
Congratulations on your determination and sticking with it. You surely started out on a tough machine!
Look forward to learning more about your branding.
Sue Jalowiec
6 years ago
Welcome Florencia!
Thanks for jumping into the forum! Having good tools makes any job easier. Congrats on your progress! Anxious to hear more about your children's brand.