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Anita Swift
6 years ago
Hi. I'm Anita.
I live in Sydney Australia and used to hand knit years ago.
Now I have 2 grandchildren so I started to knit again. But I also work full time and I kept thinking "By the time I finish these they will have grown out of them!" So I decided to investigate machine knitting.
I bought a standard gauge machine because I wanted to use punch cards, and I quickly became "hooked."
So then I bought an LK150 on ebay for even more fun 🙂
I'm so glad I found "Knit it Now"! I am still a newbie, and don't have a lot of time to "play", but I feel as though pretty much anything I need will be right here when I need it.
Sue Jalowiec
6 years ago
Welcome Anita!
With 2 machines ... you are officially one of us!
Keep up the good work!