Archive of Thread: Busy Mom who loves MK Back
Sarah Cann
6 years ago
Hi! I’m a homeschooling mom of 3 girls (ages 6,5, and 3 months). I’ve always been a yarn addict since childhood and discovered MK about 2 years ago. I now own 7 machines and have a room dedicated to my knitting. I knit for the family as well as for profit. Just love this craft and want to see it survive!! Knit it Now does so much to help with that cause. Enjoying my subscription so much!
Sue Jalowiec
6 years ago
OH Sarah! Thank you SO MUCH!
Sounds like you are an extremely busy MOM! Kudos to you!
So many of us say we don't have time to knit (myself included) you are an inspiration!
Nancy Mangeri
6 years ago
Hi, to a fellow MKing homeschooler! Done with the homeschooling now. I made the mistake of putting my machine away while I homeschooled. BIG MISTAKE. I realized too late that mking would have been better that stressing!
Cheering you on!!
Sarah Cann
6 years ago
Thanks Sue and Nancy!! ������