Sigrid Lefebvre

6 years ago
Hi my name is Sigrid and I live in Beautiful British Columbia.  I get so excited when I can get into my knitting room and have time to try out different yarns and techiques.   I have lots to learn and enjoy the information I can find on Knit it now. Have just made 2 l'envelopes and 'enjoyed' the stress of short rowing!
Sue Jalowiec

6 years ago
HI Sigrid! Thanks for joining the forum and for your long-time support of Knit it Now!  

Will you please share photos of your L'Enveloppes?  You can add them here in the forum or from the pattern.

👉 If anyone reading this doesn't know L'Enveloppe - its a shrug/shawl/poncho project we worked on in October 2018 - check it out here!
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