Arlene McFadden

5 years ago
Good Morning everyone, I'm McFadden, in Illinois. I've been dappling in MK for several years. I'm not at all proficient because I just haven't been dedicating much time to learning. I have a Brother 840/830 that has been gathering dust for over 5 years. I am completely bewildered by it. I do use my LK 100 and 150. I also use my USM for making simple afghans.
Sue Jalowiec

5 years ago
HI Arlene! Thanks for joining our group.
I believe the 840/830 is a standard gauge machine, you could use finer yarn.  It also has a punchcard for automatic patterning ... lots of options for different knitting than your other machines.  Maybe the new year is the time to dust it off and explore the possibilities!
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