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Jeanette Miles
5 years ago
Hello everyone! My name is Jeanette I'm from the Ashtabula area in Ohio. I had been looking for a machine for over a year before I found a sweet woman who was selling her aunt's Toyota 901 with ribber. Since I received this machine, I have been on and subscribed to Knit It Now and am so happy to find a MK place to learn, share, and have awesome custom patterns!
Sue Jalowiec
5 years ago
Hi Jeanette! Welcome!
Congrats on your "find". You will love your machine!
Just a tip: - be sure to master the main bed before trying to work with the ribber. Many a new MKer has shed a few tears by getting overwhelmed! Be sure you are confident with stitch patterning, shaping (and fixing mistakes) before tackling the ribber.