Flower Garden Tunic

Flower Garden Tunic - Inspiration

Through the Eyes of a Machine Knitter

Ellen was knitting a simple slip stitch pattern, made a mistake and made a beautiful discovery!

The resulting experimentation with slip stitch was the inspiration for this gorgeous tunic.

With this Flower Garden Tunic, Ellen is sharing her amazing design skills, color sense and UNDERSTANDING of her machine for you to expand your knitting horizons.

Check out Ellen's Pattern Notes to see how she handled 2 different stitch gauges in the same pieces.

About the Flower Garden Tunic Pattern from None

Hey there! We’re so excited to share the Flower Garden Tunic with you—it’s a gorgeous design that caught our eye. Here’s the scoop:

  1. This isn’t a Knit It Now original pattern. It’s actually a hand-knit pattern that we’re showcasing to inspire you.
  2. Why share it? Because we believe machine knitters like you can totally make this design your own!
  3. What you’ll need to do:
    • Start with the original hand-knit pattern (we’ve provided a link for you).
    • Use Knit It Now’s amazing tools, like our Perfect Fit Dynamic Patterns, to adapt and customize it for your machine.
    • Don’t forget to adjust for YOUR gauge, YOUR yarn choice, and YOUR personal flair!

We’re here for you! Check the Suggested Content or drop us a line anytime. Happy knitting!

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