New year's resolution: Use your ribber!
- Maybe you've played with your ribber, but it is still intimidating
- Have you only used it for 1x1 ribbing on cuffs? .... OMG! There is sooo much more you can do!
- Let's dust off that machine, give it a little oil (and love) and get knitting!
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Knit-Along Outline
Ribber Basics
Introduction to the Knit-Along
Are you ready?
Week 1: Cast on - Bind Off
Don't Skip This One!
Cast on Examples
1x1 Cast on Methods
Swatch Tags
Cast on Exercises
Ribbing Bind Off
Bind Off Exercises
Week 2: Tuck Rib
No Patterning - Amazing Texture!
English Rib
Swatching on the Double Bed
English Rib Practice
Fisherman Rib
Fisherman Rib Practice
Binding off and Finishing
Waffle Stitch (no calories)
Quick! Set your Machine to Tuck
Week 3: Full Needle Rib
Every Needle In Work
Full Pitch vs Half Pitch
Full Needle Rib
Full Needle Rib Exercises
Full Needle Rib Challenge
Tubular and 'U' Knitting
Tubular Practice
Full Needle Rib Bind Off
Week 4: Flat Rib
Knit 'n Purl Contrast
Flat Rib
Flat Rib Exercises