With 4 crown styles and 2 ear flap options this Ear Flap Collection will be a favorite for knitters of all skill levels.
The classic style will keep your ears warm and your hat in place when the wind blows.
The classic style will keep your ears warm and your hat in place when the wind blows.
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Knit-Along Outline
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Step 1: Your Success Depends on this
Step 2: Gauge swatch verses Tension Swatch
Step 3: Knitting swatches
Ear Flaps
Ear Flap Hat Sizing
Single Flaps and Ties
Double (Short Row) Flaps
Join the Flaps to the Hat
Flaps with Hung Hem
Build your Custom Pattern
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Your Pattern
Crown Options
Gathered Top
Swirl Top Shaping
4 Gore Shaping
Top Finishing
Fun Finishing Ideas
Hope's Top Knot