"I can knit that on the machine!"
Join us as we explore 3 ways of using a hand knitting pattern for machine knitting. Duplicate the designer details and use any yarn, any machine and your own creativity!This subscriber knit-along is based on the course If you aren't a subscriber the course is available here.
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Knit-Along Outline
Knit a HK pattern on the Knitting Machine
The Original Pattern
Questions? Visit the Forum
Translate to Machine Knitting
Establish Gauge and Sizing
Establish Gauge and sizing
Matching Gauge
Create your Schematic
Info from the Pattern Notes
Uncover your MK Pattern Instructions
Practice Reading/Translating a HK Pattern
Convert the Pattern to Another Gauge
Gauge Conversion Tool
Convert the Big Hug Pattern Gauge
Extra Credit | More practice
How's it Going?
Are the lightbulbs coming on?
Questions? Need Help?
What about Shaping?
Re-Charting the Pattern Shaping
Use Knit it Now Tools
Slope Tool
Magic Formula
Challenge - Shorten the Big Hug Sleeves
Analyze the Design and use a Knit it Now Pattern
Ready for the Easy Way?
Garment shapes
Using Dynamic Patterns
Pattern Suggestions
One Tweak (The Funnel Neck)
Conclusion and Inspiration
Are you Inspired?
Ellen's Updated Funnel
Funnel Neck Inspiration
Which Method Works for you?
This Knit-Along is only available for members
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