Ultimate 930/940 Workshop
Coming Soon!
Learning to machine knit is a journey.
Take it step-by-step and your confidence will grow with each project.
To master your Brother KH930/940:
You can do this!
Take it step-by-step and your confidence will grow with each project.
To master your Brother KH930/940:
- Learn the main bed first.
- Get comfortable with the machine.
- Don't be overwhelmed with the electronics. Yes, the tech is old-fashioned, but you can "get" it!
- Understand what each lever and dial does.
- Discover the best yarn for your machine.
- Then attach and learn the ribber.
- Practice - Practice - Practice
You can do this!

17 modules | over 3 hours of video | Checklists | Exercises | Cheat Sheets | Bookmarks | Index
- Your manuals
- Printable Reference Cards/li>
- Terms you must know/li>
- Tools and accessories/li>
- Setting up your machine/li>
- Yarn for your machine/li>
- Your knitting carriage/li>
- Plain knitting/li>
- The proper way to knit/li>
- Replace needle and sponge bar/li>
- Electronics/li>
- Thread your machine
- Open vs closed cast on
- Casting on stitches
- Secure the yarn tail
- Binding off
- Knit a swatch
- Accurate Gauge Measurement
- Gauge Rulers (Gauge Scales)
- The Operation Panel
- Carriage Settings
- Pattern Variations
- Built-in Stitch patterns
- Pattern Positioning
- Pattern Position - Vertical
- About Custom Stitch patterns
- Program your own stitch patterns
- "Dry" Knitting
- The Steps
- Swatching in Pattern
- Free Pass Exercise
- Memo Program
- Fixing Mistakes while patterning
- End Needle Selection
- Stop and Start for necklines: The basics
- Necklines: The steps
- About Tuck Stitch
- Tuck Lace
- The Steps for Tuck Stitch
- Tuck Checklist
- About Slip (Skip) stitch
- Slip: End Needle Selection
- The Steps for Slip Stitch
- Slip STitch Checklist
- About Knit Weave
- The Steps for Knit Weave
- Knit Weave Checklist
- About Fairisle
- The Steps for Fairisle
- Fairisle Checklist
- About Thread Lace
- The steps for Thread lace
- Thread lace Checklist
- About Plaiting
- Plaiting checklist
- Intarsia | Picture Knitting
- The steps for Intarsia
- Intarsia Checklist
- Lace on the machine
- Lace stitch patterns
- The steps for Lace
- Test your understanding
- Lace Checklist
- Using DAK
- Cable for Designaknit
- Download from Stitch Designer
- DAK Download checklist
- About the Ribber
- The Ribber Carriage
- Ribber Manual
- Attach the Ribber
- Raise and Lower the Ribber
- Adjust the Ribber
- Explore Racking
- Ribber Cast On
- Basic Cast on Checklist
- Full Needle Rib (FNR)
- English Rib
- English Rib Checklist
- Fisherman Rib
- Circular (Tubular) Knitting
- Circular Kniting Checklist
- U Knitting
- U Knitting Checklist
- Double Bed Jacquard Coming soon
- Brother KL-116 Knit Leader
- Knitting Bar
- Transfer Carriage
- Carter Carriage (G-Carriage
- Garter Bar
- KCC color changer (Single Bed)
- KRC900 color changer (Double bed) - Coming soon