The Ultimate 930/940 Workshop
Have fun with your
Brother 930/940 knitting machine
The Ultimate 930/940 Workshop
This course is right for you if:
You are new to this machineYou are overwhelmed with all the buttons and levers
You are ready to put to work the powerful features of this machine.
Enroll now

As a new machine knitter, the Knit it Now courses make you feel like you’re getting one-on-one instruction. The videos, tutorial, and patterns are easy to understand
~Kristin C.
The tutorials and home study courses offered are the best! Everything is professionally done and easy to understand
~Angela M
Thank you so much Knit it Now .. with Knit it Now I am actually machine knitting stress-free and enjoying every minute
~Pollie G.
Just wanted you to know I love your new 930/940 Course. I’ve just started yesterday, and will be slowly working my way through the lessons. I’ve learned so much already, and I’ve just started.
You definitely need to pat yourself on the back and spend a day at the spa!
~Kristin C.
The tutorials and home study courses offered are the best! Everything is professionally done and easy to understand
~Angela M
Thank you so much Knit it Now .. with Knit it Now I am actually machine knitting stress-free and enjoying every minute
~Pollie G.
Just wanted you to know I love your new 930/940 Course. I’ve just started yesterday, and will be slowly working my way through the lessons. I’ve learned so much already, and I’ve just started.
You definitely need to pat yourself on the back and spend a day at the spa!
By the end of this course you will have:
Learned about your machine
- Properly set up your machine
- What do all those buttons and levers do?
Mastered the Electronics
- Use the built-in stitch patterns
- Create your won stitch patterns
- Link your machine to DesignaKnit
Tried all the Stitch patterns
- Tuck,
- Slip
- Fairisle
- Lace
- Knit-Weave
- and more
Explored your ribber and Accessories
- Fisherman rib
- circular knitting
- Double Bed Jacquard
- Color Chargers
- Garter Bar
- and more
But above all else …
The ultimate 930/940 Workshop will give you the confidence to use your machine to ist’s fullest to create the knitwear of your dreams.

17 modules | over 3 hours of video | Checklists | Exercises | Cheat Sheets | Bookmarks | Index
click the module titles below to see all the topics
- Your manuals
- Printable Reference Cards/li>
- Terms you must know/li>
- Tools and accessories/li>
- Setting up your machine/li>
- Yarn for your machine/li>
- Your knitting carriage/li>
- Plain knitting/li>
- The proper way to knit/li>
- Replace needle and sponge bar/li>
- Electronics/li>
- Thread your machine
- Open vs closed cast on
- Casting on stitches
- Secure the yarn tail
- Binding off
- Knit a swatch
- Accurate Gauge Measurement
- Gauge Rulers (Gauge Scales)
- The Operation Panel
- Carriage Settings
- Pattern Variations
- Built-in Stitch patterns
- Pattern Positioning
- Pattern Position - Vertical
- About Custom Stitch patterns
- Program your own stitch patterns
- "Dry" Knitting
- The Steps
- Swatching in Pattern
- Free Pass Exercise
- Memo Program
- Fixing Mistakes while patterning
- End Needle Selection
- Stop and Start for necklines: The basics
- Necklines: The steps
- About Tuck Stitch
- Tuck Lace
- The Steps for Tuck Stitch
- Tuck Checklist
- About Slip (Skip) stitch
- Slip: End Needle Selection
- The Steps for Slip Stitch
- Slip STitch Checklist
- About Knit Weave
- The Steps for Knit Weave
- Knit Weave Checklist
- About Fairisle
- The Steps for Fairisle
- Fairisle Checklist
- About Thread Lace
- The steps for Thread lace
- Thread lace Checklist
- About Plaiting
- Plaiting checklist
- Intarsia | Picture Knitting
- The steps for Intarsia
- Intarsia Checklist
- Lace on the machine
- Lace stitch patterns
- The steps for Lace
- Test your understanding
- Lace Checklist
- Using DAK
- Cable for Designaknit
- Download from Stitch Designer
- DAK Download checklist
- About the Ribber
- The Ribber Carriage
- Ribber Manual
- Attach the Ribber
- Raise and Lower the Ribber
- Adjust the Ribber
- Explore Racking
- Ribber Cast On
- Basic Cast on Checklist
- Full Needle Rib (FNR)
- English Rib
- English Rib Checklist
- Fisherman Rib
- Circular (Tubular) Knitting
- Circular Kniting Checklist
- U Knitting
- U Knitting Checklist
- Double Bed Jacquard Coming soon
- Brother KL-116 Knit Leader
- Knitting Bar
- Transfer Carriage
- Carter Carriage (G-Carriage
- Garter Bar
- KCC color changer (Single Bed)
- KRC900 color changer (Double bed) - Coming soon