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Easily modify knitting patterns. Spend your time knitting not doing math!
Click on the dots below to see where the tools can be used
Band Pickup

Band Pickup

Button Bands (vertical)

Button Bands (vertical)

Button Placements (horizontal)

Button Placements (horizontal)

Gauge Calculator

Gauge Calculator

Gauge Comparision

Gauge Comparision

Gauge Conversion

Gauge Conversion

Gauge Rulers

Gauge Rulers

Stitch Multiples

Stitch Multiples

Circle / Polygon Tool

Circle / Polygon Tool

Increase/Decrease Evenly

Increase/Decrease Evenly

Magic Formula <span class='reallysmall'>(Inches)</span>

Magic Formula (Inches)

Magic Formula <span class='reallysmall'>(Sts and rows)</span>

Magic Formula (Sts and rows)

Slope Tool

Slope Tool

Custom Sleeve

Custom Sleeve

Dart Formula

Dart Formula

Hood Builder

Hood Builder

Modified V-Neck

Modified V-Neck

Neck Bands

Neck Bands

Pocket Placement

Pocket Placement

Rectangle / Square

Rectangle / Square



Knitters Graph Paper

Knitters Graph Paper

Knitting Symbols

Knitting Symbols

Machine Knitting Glossary

Machine Knitting Glossary

Maximum Knitted Width

Maximum Knitted Width

Technique Reference Cards

Technique Reference Cards

Yards Per Pound

Yards Per Pound

Yarn Estimator

Yarn Estimator

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