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More and more machine knitters are using hand knitting yarn that is put up in balls, skeins and hanks.What happens when your favorite is to see full description
You don't need special coned yarn to knit with a knitting machine. Many knitters use yarn on cones so they don't have to work in as many yarn ends as you do to see full description
You have a new to you yarn that you'd like to knit with and where do you start? Now the ball band may gave you some information about the suggested needles to to see full description
Explore the yarn feeder on a Singer/Silver Machine and learn to thread it correctly.
Do you need to rip? Frog (rip-it, rip-it, rip-it)? Tink (Knit backwards)? Here's a time-saving tip
You don't need "special" yarn for machine knitting. Here are the facts.
Expand your horizons by using skinny yarn on any machine. Although demonstrated on an LK-150, the ideas in this experiment apply to all machines. The to see full description